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Anarchism Equals Chaos, Does It?

Anarchism Equals Chaos, Does It?


A political theory that aims on creation of society in which individuals can independently work together and have co-operative relations on equal grounds with no bias is commonly referred to as Anarchism. There are several debates and arguments found are related to anti-statism that is central, still it is not enough to define anarchism. Anarchism involves hierarchical organization or opposing authority in the activities that are required in managing human relations including state system.

As an anti-dogmatic and subtle philosophy, several currents of strategy and thought can help in drawing anarchism. There are various traditions and types of anarchism and all of them are not mutually exclusive. The schools of thought for anarchists can primarily differ from providing anything from intense individualism to absolute collectivism. The strains of anarchism are divided into various categories of individualist and social anarchism or related twofold classifications (Springer, 2011, p.525).

It is often considered that anarchism is a radical left-wing ideology and most of the anarchist legal philosophy and anarchist economics show anti-statist explanations of collectivism, participatory economics, syndicalism and communism. Anarchism opposes all kinds of hierarchical controls including capitalist or state control, as it considers it harmful for people living in the society. All such kinds of control can distress the individuality of individuals living in the society.


In the context of political theory the “anarchy” and “anarchism” concepts are highly misrepresented. In general these two concepts are used to signify “Chaos” or “Disorder”, which ultimately enforces people to follow laws of the jungle. Who so ever, is stronger will be getting everything with force, while others will be left on their mercy? This is what followers of anarchism want from the society, which sound very un-realistic and complicated (Power, 2010, p.225). The process of misrepresentation that is enforced by anarchism cannot be followed or imposed on the society without historical parallel.

Anarchism is a movement against hierarchy and it's not purely anti-state or anti-government. Hierarchy is an organizational structure that exemplifies authority. Anarchists consider state as the highest form of hierarchy; therefore by definition anarchism is a concept that opposes state or government orders. The true anarchists are against all kinds of hierarchical organizations and not simply the state or government according to Brian Morris. The term "anarchy" can be often associated with lack of control and chaos. This idea, meticulously maintained by politicians and the media obey, imprinted in the minds of people, taking uncritical view of the world suggested by official agents, giving rise to the reality that surrounds us. The word "anarchy" is used in the media to describe natural disasters, traffic jams, wars, acts of violence, which is connected with all that is evil and abhorrent. In this paper I wish to present the true meaning of the word "anarchy", free of propaganda circles hostile to anarchism (Heckert, 2010, p.186).

The world in which we are currently living is controlled by massive in-equalities of power and ...
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