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Implications of CSR in IHRM

Implications of CSR in IHRM


The extension of the standard management of Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility is accelerating with the simultaneous increase in normative references products and the internationalization of companies. Since human resources influence many key systems and business processes that are the bases for efficient, they are well placed to encourage ethical CSR and create a culture of CSR highly effective (Strandberg, 2009, pp. 2-26).


The HR function is normally responsible for drafting and implementing the code of conduct for employees. As such, HR managers are responsible principles that include employee codes. Since a number of corporate fraud have recently attracted public attention, advice administration is much more concerned with the ethical culture within their organization and seek approval and full compliance codes conduct that articulate the organization's values in terms of ethics (Cohen, et al, 2012, pp. 1-32). This is a perfect way to express the commitment of the organization to gain decisions based on social and environmental aspects as codes conduct among the few documents that are binding on all employees and that all employees are exposed. As such, it is a key tool for cultural integration CSR standards. It is important to avoid rhetoric and terms not defined as "sustainability" and "CSR" and articulate standards of conduct that employees must comply.

The human resource management can play an important role in the CSR becomes a "second nature" within the company. HR can be a key organizational partner to ensure that the public image of the organization is consistent with how we treat people internally. HR occupy a enviable position, as they are able to provide the tools and the framework for the executive and the president can integrate ethics and a culture of CSR branding and strategic framework of the organization. This is the only function that has an influence on the scale of the company during the entire "life cycle" of employees who work there - it's a considerable influence if treated properly. HR is on track to play this role because they are accustomed to work horizontally and vertically across and within the organization, which is crucial for the successful implementation of CSR (Ahmed, n.d., pp. 1-11). Research shows that the fact of having a global vision that encompasses CSR to obtain the commitment of senior management and the Board of Directors, have a motivated staff and the skills, ...
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