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Conducting a Management Project

Company: TESCO

Department: Business Development

Project: Greener Living

Task 1

A.C. 1.1

'Greener Living' is a project introduced by TESCO for the betterment of humanity. The basic purpose behind launching the project is to facilitate the people with healthy living and define greener living standards. A management team must be dedicated for this purpose, and TESCO is also launching stores and utilities regarding this project. It is an area of corporate social responsibility by the firm. The project involves a huge number of human and other resources, but the management's priority will be to provide the best operations in as much low resources as possible (Anonymous 2007, p. n.d).

The selected activity is the 'business development' domain of TESCO that revolves around the project Greener Living. The aim, scope and objectives along with the justifications that prove the success factor of this project. A huge team should be dedicated for implementing the Greener Living projects all over the globe where TESCO exists. The investigation will cater the highlights of efficiently using the human resource along with the financial resources. The investigations and analysis carried out in the Business Development domain of TESCO can change the entire focus.

A.C. 1.2

Aim of the project

'Greener living' is a project serving corporate social responsibility. The aim of the project is to support and help people in leading a more environment friendly lifestyle. It is a great step that leads towards TESCO's business development aspect.

Scope of the project

The project has a bright scope as it is contributing towards an environment friendly purpose and fulfilling the aspect of corporate social responsibility. Companies all over the globe are shifting towards techniques, methodologies or technologies that are environment friendly and save the surroundings and the company with positive aspects. 'Green' is a whole study of science which is one of the hot topics in the current context.

Objectives of the project

The basic objective is to serve the humanity with ideal services, supporting the business development unit at TESCO. The Greener Living project comprises of objectives like:

Help the humans in finding better ways to lead a sustainable life.

Reduce the number of bags provided by TESCO.

Reduce energy consumption of TESCO to 50% and introduce methods for renewable energy.

Cut down the ratio of global wastage.

Implementation on following the three R's namely reducing, reusing and recycling.

A.C. 1.3

Justification of the project

This justification provides ideas and concepts along with multiple elements that make this project a positive strategy or step taken by TESCO. It clarifies the 'why' aspect with some justifications like:

Corporate Social Responsibility

It is the social responsibility of every company to contribute for the betterment of social welfare, society or lifestyle. It is the environment analysis part of the firm.

Customer Base

From the organizational perspective, it is beneficial in expanding the customer base. The project can act as an attention grabber. It will enhance the image of TESCO and directly contribute towards consumer retention and expansion.

Club Card Program

The TESCO Green club card point can be earned by shopping from a range of green ...
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