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Evidence Based Management

Evidence Based Management


The article emphasizes on the implementation of evidence based management that can be described as ways of making decisions about the management of employees, teams or the organizations through the use of the most appropriate scientific data and organization facts. Self actualization is a notion that has no boundaries particularly for a manager. Continuous expansion in knowledge and learning is required to make accurate and timely decisions for the long term benefit of a business. The article suggests that making intuition based decisions might prove to be successful in the short run but it would be detrimental for the success of the organization in the long run. Therefore, it is required carry out a proper analysis about the causes and potential solution of a problem with the help of an evidence based information. An essential part of decision making is to understand that each and every organization is different from each other. A successful organization should implement this approach to achieve a comparative advantage against its competitors.


Learning outcome

Every year there are numerous studies conducted by researchers in the field of medicine yet the doctors rarely consider them during their decision making. Instead, they only apply the obsolete knowledge learnt in school, long-standing but never proven traditions and most importantly what they think is right from their past experiences. Similarly, managers are found to make decisions without any reliable facts or sources. Since the size, form and tenure of companies differ from each other, thus, it is quite difficult to find a benchmark for an accurate comparison for the performance of the company. Benchmarking a company just because it is successful is not sufficient enough to improve your inefficiencies. U.S is has individualist oriented society while Japan is a collectivist nation, incorporating the techniques of Japanese company ...
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