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Leadership Led-Relationship and Leadership Skills

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Leadership Led-Relationship and Leadership Skills

Leader-Led Relationship

As a Business System Engineer under the Gannett project in TSTT the leader led-relationship that I would be having in managing the organizational leadership role will be based on the effective and widely accepted practice as I would have to manage daily supervision of the senior technicians that are they doing their work according to the requirement of the department or not.

Effective Leadership

Leadership is more than just what one does or how one acts; effective leadership can be viewed through the framework of knowing, being, and doing. Knowing involves the knowledge one has being encompasses the values, beliefs, attitudes, and awareness one possesses, and doing reflects one's actions, behaviors and skills. Effective leadership involves each of these three components, and the components are interconnected. For example, what you know can influence how you think; how you act or behave can lead to a new awareness or new knowledge. Developing a leader also means developing a person through becoming more knowledgeable about oneself, others and leadership concepts; through identifying and solidifying one's values, beliefs, and commitments. The concept of emotional intelligence stresses the importance of awareness of oneself and others in the leadership relationship. This aspect of leadership process is important as organizations are made up of people and to create change one must be able to work with and mobilize others (Northouse, pp.60). The emotional intelligence component of leadership is vital to one's own self- awareness and leadership effectiveness, developing and maintaining meaningful relationships with others, and organizational success. Personal Leadership Plan Personal leadership specifies the kind of personality we have while working. The leadership plan I am discussing here tells about the strategies of the leaders. This leadership plan will help me to develop strategies which will help me in future. The scenario that is being given can be better understood from the available leadership theories as these theories provide platform for leader led- relationship in any of the world's organization.

Personal Leadership Development

Leadership theories

The first thing that I will do will be to assess my self that what qualities fo I have or I don't. Trait leadership theory is suggests that a number of people have the same quality that they possess from their previous generations and behaviours that make them better fitting to leadership. Trait theories recognize the characteristics and behaviours of people across the globe. It states that leadership is an inborn quality and that leaders cannot be raised. The leaders with the trait theory have characters such as decisiveness, assertiveness, cooperative approach, ambitiousness, alertness, etc. It helps them to have in depth knowledge about their own identity and the way they can affect others in their firm. Leadership is understood as a process or activity in which people are mobilized to create positive change. On an individual or personal level, developing leadership capacity is important because it helps someone become a more effective person and group member, one who is able ...
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