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Equality and diversity

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Businesses throughout the world are facing a number of challenges. From diversity to inequality businesses tend to sole the major issues in order to sustain their productivity and growth. Globalization in the business environment tends to lower down the boundaries which give boost to the business operations. In this regard, diversity and equality at workplace has become the most integral issue to tackle with. This challenge will have a powerful impact in our future as a dynamic society, and managers and organizations should be prepared to deal efficiently with this significant change.

Many organizations are working to create an effective environment through which they could provide a diversified environment for their workers. For managing the diversity issues in workplace training and development is necessary. Its overall aim is to increase the capacity of employers' organizations which represents the true picture of businesses which help them in assisting and improving the situation at workplace, so that this would channel the potential of a workplace characterized by diversity and equality between the sexes.

In order to maintain harmony around the organization, organizations need to maintain a set of rules and guidelines which helps in maintaining an equal system. A system needs to be designed in which all the employees and officials should be treated accordingly in the same manner. The rules and designed guidelines should be free from any biasness and favoritism.

There are two types of issue which an organization needs to face on day to day basis.

A) Equality

B) Diversity

The concept of 'Diversity' can be defined as, a workplace where different people who belong to different backgrounds and cultures working together for achievement of shared goals. For example: Best Buy Super mart has more than 300 employees working together, among the 300 employees not all are natives some of them are from Africa, some are from Asia and other belong to America. All these employees' belong to different beliefs and religion therefore, in order to address all of their concerns and to make them work with each other for the achieving the shared goals principles of equality need to be implemented.

Diversity and equality approach at work

Equality, as a working definition might be "total absence of discrimination between human beings, with respect to their rights." However, it can be believed that this is not enough, but is a much broader and encompassing so many factors that can, in many cases this even determine our lives. Inequality has been present since the beginning of time, and the people have maintained a constant struggle against it, but rarely achieved equality proposal, and it was during the French Revolution when it reached its integrity as a concept and a value began to be advocate globally, represented in the motto: "Liberty, equality and fraternity."

This approach helps all staff consider the influence of issues of diversity and equality in the organizational process, which shoulders their day to day work life. The major focus is on a number of important issues related the social decorum of ...
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