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Soft System Methodology

Soft System Methodology


The concept of a human activity system is considered appropriate to address soft ill-structured problems of the real world, those to which the methodology of natural science is powerless. In this situation the intention was to find a systems approach to address problems that defy the formulation in the strict sense and also enrich the concept of human activity system, to better understand the real-world social systems. Then this paper shows in detail a methodology based on the concept of Weltanschauung (German: vision, perspective or particular image in the world) of soft systems methodology for Peter Checkland, to explore the information system requirements and achieve a design thereof, may best adapted to these requirements, and simultaneously design changes in the activities of the human system, if needed, to allow proper matching of both systems, human and information (Checkland, 1972, pp. 87-116).


SSM is a guide to manage and undertake the process of achieving organized action. SSM takes the thinking process management and implementation of an organized action to react to changes in the world that may affect that action. SSM assumes that each individual sees the world differently. Different worldviews inevitably lead to different understandings and evaluations of any situation, which leads to turn to different ideas for purposive action. These ideas are not necessarily opposite each other, may be sufficiently different to constitute a critical fact in deciding on a course of action.


West Churchman and Russell Ackoff in the 1950s and 1960s pioneered the science of social systems. Churchman developed a strong philosophical base which, as we understand, provided the foundation on which the methodological principles of proof and the emergence of strategic assumption (SAST) were built and provided much of the inspiration behind the heuristic critical systems. Ackoff followed a more practical career, culminating in his work with the soft systems thinking has lost sight of its original intent, to work with complex problems by recognizing the subjective assessments of human participants. Emerging in the '70s and developed in the 80s was a new kind of thinking Soft Systems. Also inspired by the work of Churchman, Peter Checkland began to explore the systems engineering methodology, applied to managerial situations of disorder more that the so-called structured problems, in an attempt to find if this approach could be properly developed and used in situations of soft systems. As research generated a number of unknowns discovered starting to crystallize, they were taken to a totally different approach to "soft problem solving" and Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) (Warwick, 2008, pp.269-290).

Checkland realized that "there are few situations where getting the logic is correct enough to provoke action. “Any organization has its own culture (the practice of shared myths, perceptions and assumptions about the world and the organization) and political (power structures practices interiors). These are complex and dynamic. As argued above, the different views that are the result of a culture and a non-policy lead to a stable and clear set of objectives.


SSM try to enable more consensual action, moving toward an understanding of the different ...
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