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HR Coursework 2

HR Coursework 2

Part 1

Job Description

The head of the administrative unit of human resources lies with the manager, director or head of human resources is the employee who is responsible to maintain and improve relationships between management and labor and staff. All human resources manager, to have the desired effect, is imperative that a credible, trusted and respected by their partners, which will help Andrew achieve the functions and effectiveness in achieving results, i.e. achieving the goals and mission accordingly. This depends on higher level of leadership exercised by the manager to them. The top leader within the organization or company that directs human resources, is the Managing Director or Head of administrative unit, is this area, department, division, office, or management, who is the person together with the other managers and General Manager will be responsible for directing and managing the various activities that will help the organization achieve its goals. A manager's performance is measured by what we call effectiveness and efficiency. So we can conclude that the resource manager must cope with all human effectiveness, which means being efficient and effective at the same time. Their status depends on the policy and structure organization, but for this, management must respond to General Manager (Puchol, 1995, pp. 325).

Duties and Responsibilities

These vary depending on the size and type of organization. First Andrew have the obligation to interpret and implement HR policies of the staff and company, and to comply with this, have the responsibility to manage their unit, department, and office and human resource management. The responsibilities and duties of HR manager are as follow:

The primary responsibility is recruiting, selecting, training and developing staff of the company.

Conducting the selection process personnel requires training the staff and ensuring their economic and social effects on employees or workers.

The manager of human resources has the responsibility to plan and schedule staff training through courses and seminars to develop the skills and abilities of staff

HR manager is responsible for staff development through the development plan and its effective implementation, training, control and follow up.

Prepare the staffing requirement, proper communication system, recruitment, transfers, promotions and dismissal of employees.

Manager Human Resources is responsible for registration and supervision of staff, including documentation and work history, including promotion, merit, demerit and congratulations.

Plan and organize employees welfare system including effective compensation and benefits and must communicate the plan to all employees

Interview or prepare for interviews of applicants for a position, take care rotation, layoffs, and turnover

Prepare and maintain personnel records and statistics

Prepare and apply the tools of personal control

Qualify and evaluate staff

Prepare personnel contracts

Person Specification

After some years of experience, the human resources manager can access the post of Manager of Human Resources. The human resources manager can also move towards a career in agencies for recruitment.

Mission The human resources manager assists the department director for recruitment and administrative employees. His responsibilities vary depending on company size. The human resources manager has the role of:

Implementing the ...
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