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Management is a branch of social science; it is the process of planning and making the right decisions and ongoing monitoring and control sources of institutions to reach the desired goals of the institution. Effective management is done through the recruitment, development and control of the human and financial resources, raw materials and sources of intellectual and moral (Boddy, 2007).

Competing Values Framework

Competing Values Framework is one of the fifty most essential business models in the history of business. Competing Values Framework emerged from the empirical research on the questions of what makes the organization effective. Competing Values Framework has been tested and studied in many organizations around the world for over more than twenty years by a group of thought leaders from the leading business corporations and schools. Competing values framework is about understanding the ways for appreciating conflicting values along with the successful integration of those values successfully in the organization. Competing values enables and organization to grow rapidly. Competing values framework serves as a map for the organization. It also works as the functional mechanism for an organization, which results in the development of a sense of making new devices, along with the development of new ideas. Competing values framework helps in the identification of a set of guidelines which helps the leaders to manage and diagnose the contradictions, congruencies, and interrelationships among several different aspects of the organization. It could be sad that competing values framework helps the leader to work in a more comprehensive and consistent manner for improving the performance of the organization. Competing values framework is often thought as a leadership tool consisting of many advantages. The Competing values framework is a tool which could be used in all levels and aspects of an organizations. Competing values framework could be applied to the personal style, yet the same framework could also be used for financial performance, employee selection, organizational culture, core competencies, human resources practices, assess communication, leadership, strategy along with many others (Cameron, 1999).

Steps involved in a competing values framework


Focus: Goals

Situation: Shareholder demands are the primary driver, aggressive competition, markets change from mergers and acquisitions, investors demand quick results

Purposes: Profits and speed

Practices: Managing performance through objectives, investing for increasing rates of return, quickly starting and killing initiatives, quickly confronting problems

People: Goal oriented, assertive, driven, accountable, decisive, competitive

Environment: High pressure, fast moving, quantifiable results, pay for performance

Measures: Gross Profit, time to market, return on investment, operating income


Focus: Process

Situation: Organization has large and complex scope and scale, government regulations and standards determine business practices, failure is not an option

Purposes: Efficiency and quality

Practices: Implementing large scale technology and systems, applying continuous improvement processes, complying with regulations, adhering to standards

People: Organized, methodical, technical, practical, objective, persistent

Environment: Clear roles, logical objectives, structured work, cohesive work processes

Measures: Budget adherence, milestones achieved, number of failures, regulatory compliance


Focus: Values

Situation: A community united by shared beliefs; competency is closely linked to unique abilities, strong identification with a lifestyle

Purposes: Community and knowledge

Practices: Building teams and developing communities, training, and coaching, creating shared ...
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