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Continuous Improvement in Organization

Table of Contents



Continuous improvement of planning4

Customer Satisfaction6

Permanent Program for Productivity Improvement (PPMP)7

Quality Management Tools7

Statistical Process Control (SPC)8

Plan for improvement8


The Necessary Adjustments10



Continuous Improvement in Organization


The process of continuous improvement aims to improve the products, services and processes. When there is growth and development in an organization or community are required identification of all processes and the analysis of each step measurable done. Continuous improvement of the capacity and performance should be the permanent objective of the organization. Some of the tools used include corrective actions, preventive and analysis of member satisfaction, or clients. This is the most effective way of improving the quality and efficiency in organizations. For companies, the systems of quality management, and systems for environmental assessment, are used to achieve total quality.

The concept of continuous improvement is simple to understand. It is very powerful and helps you get very good results, in addition to achieving a culture of continuous improvement that keeps workers chasing a daily challenge. One of the most important achievements of continuous improvement is to improve relations with the staff and everyone involved in the cycle to analyze the problems that hinder improvement, and engage in their solution. Continuous improvement rather than an approach or concept is a strategy, and as such is a series of programs overall action and deployment of resources to achieve objectives complete, because the process must be gradual. It is not possible to pass from darkness to light in a single bound. Currently the system is in a Business improvement process which in itself is a program of improvement, but to the extent that it rests on approaches used in world practice for best results.


Continuous improvement of planning

The world is going through a tremendous change. Globalization of enterprises is expanding and data technologies are accelerating. These foremost alterations are reshaping our world considerably, for better and for poorer (Kreitner, 2008:78-100). They lead to alterations in the way enterprise is finished, the way employees act and the way managers manage their employees. For companies to stay thriving, they are needed to acclimatize to these alterations (Vercueil, 2001:1). The alterations that are reshaping the world have changed the way organizations function and have furthermore directed to alterations in employee characteristics.

Determine in which the objectives of the company and it is believed that the client is, waiting for our product or service and also determine the things how they will help to achieve success in the proposed objectives. The Total Quality Management is a concept which is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the products along with enhancing the employees' motivation and meeting the customer's needs and demands. Thus, the process of quality management ensures that the resources are not wasted and that they should be managed properly so that they can be invested at other places in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's processes.

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