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People Management and Organizational Structure


Management is defined as the whole process with the help of which an organization can change and lead the market. Nowadays management is considered as a competitive advantage. Management is the act of getting the work done in manner that desired objectives are achieved. The field of management basically focuses on effective utilization of available resources and the work is carried out in a manner that management of the company not only satisfies their customers but to delight them (Clegg, Kornberger & Pitsis, 2008, pp 345 - 360). From planning to leading and from staffing to controlling all these management functions are the key to success for an organization.


The effect of Globalization has changed the method of doing business and carrying out the business. The vast expansion and globalized nature of businesses make the management a more important function to incorporate in order to achieve sublime success (Clegg, Kornberger & Pitsis, 2008, pp 345 - 360). It is a human action in and can be recognized as a system. The system of managing includes designing of a culture throughout the company. This culture consists of a set of certain rules and regulations which needs to followed on order to comply with the growth factor.

Each and every function of management is of integral importance, whereas if we regard and reward more on another than it seems to be bias because all of them are interrelated with each other and contribute their share in making the organization a success story. In the light of management theory the importance of planning, organizing, leading and controlling can be defined as:

Importance of Planning (First Ladder of Success)

It is the foundation pillar of management. The domain of planning focuses on planning mainly focuses on deciding future plans and actions. It is the method of answering various issues like how to achieve the desired goals in the near future. Koontz define planning as “it is a function which defines what to do in advance (Elsbach, 2006, pp 102 - 118). It does not defines a road map that what to do but it also defines how to do it. It is the most important tool used in solving the major issues. It is a systemic approach in which ways and means of doing and conducting various actions are defined.

The act of planning is composed of two steps firstly; it involves a proper formulation of ideas. Secondly how to execute them in a manner that they can earn maximum benefit for the company?

Mostly businesses regard planning as a sketch or an outline to follow for the achievement of long term vision. The companies whose area of planning is weak cannot perform well until and unless they manage the first ladder of success. The management gurus reward management as an exercise necessary for the forecasting of future trends. Example

An area sales manager of ABC Company plans his marketing campaign (Graubner, 2006, pp 208 -218). The domain owner plans his future ...
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