
Read Complete Research Material


Planning & Reflecting at Postgraduate Level

Table of Contents

Task 1: Research Strategy2

Generating ideas2

Finding Keywords2

Research objectives3

Gathering research material3

Analysis of information gathered4

Presentation of research5

Acknowledging the sources5

Task 2: Development of a Project Plan6

Analyzing situation7

Determining Aims & Objectives7

Sufficient & Appropriate Actions8

Task 3: critical reflection10

Problems and issues faced during research10

Time Management Skills and Reflection Skills11

Reflections on planning12

Learning through research12


Planning & Reflecting at Postgraduate Level

Task 1: Research Strategy

Assignments are usually designed to critically evaluate and examine the concepts developed by students during their particular educational program. It is therefore, important to formulate a strategy in order to comprehensively focus and carry out the research in an efficient and effective way. In order to develop an effective research strategy following steps will be involved (Cummings, 1966, pp.29-42).

Generating ideas

Before proceeding with assignment requirements, it is important to develop an understanding of the topic of the assignment. Preliminary ideas about the topic can be generated by brainstorming about the assignment. Brainstorming is mind mapping tool often used by majority of students in developing an understanding of the assignment. Brainstorming of the topic will involve critically analysis of the assignment and producing reflections of the past experiences related to the topic.

Finding Keywords

In order to effectively meet the research objectives, it is essentially important to identify core keywords associated with the assignments. This step will effectively involve a through reading of the assignment description. By carefully Identifying the core keywords will not make assignment easier, but will also result in successful achievement of key objectives associated with the assignment.

Research objectives

Research objectives in the form of assignment questions are the core part of any research. The principle aim of conducting a research is to answer and achieve the research objectives. Careful understanding of research questions will help in identifying the type of research required i.e. whether a qualitative analysis is required or a quantitative research study is required

(Murray & Kujundzic, 2005, pp 408-412).

Gathering research material

Gathering information for research material is an important task associated with the research. At post graduate level, it is essentially important not just to collect data but it is equally important to carefully review information gathered through critical reading and analysis.

Information can be gathered through a number of sources, which can be broadly divided into two categories (Schaible & Jacobs, 1975, Pg. 151)

Offline research modules

This includes books, research papers, research journals, articles, newspapers and magazines etc.

Online research modules

This includes sources available through internet. It normally includes search engines (such as Google and Yahoo), online university libraries and other internet sources.

All the information gathered will help in understanding and planning research at postgraduate level.

Analysis of information gathered

Gathering of information is not enough; it must also be carefully analyzed. The collected information must provide productive and relevant information to research in the least possible time (Fieldin, 2006, pp 90-97).

Information gathered can be evaluated by comparing it with the following points

Accuracy and relevance

The information gathered should provide accurate facts and figures. It should also be relevant to the proposed research ...
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