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1. “Explain the concept of 'meaninglessness' at work and provide an example of a job which might be expected to lead to it.”

The concept of meaningless at work is quite simple. It means that a person is honest with his work; he is not concerned with the end consequence. This concept is hated and enjoyed by different individuals. It cannot be sold or purchased art galleries; it is associated with individual integrity (March, 1960, pp1).

In an organization, if an individual is performing his duty with high dedication and determination then it is regarded as meaningless to work. This concept constitutes all the best qualities which lead organization efficiency at its optimal level. If, all the employees start working meaninglessly the organization mission, vision and objective are achieved successfully.

2. Explain what is meant by the term 'solidaristic orientation to work'. Which occupations might be expected to exhibit this orientation?”

Solidarity orientation in an organization simply means team work. The term is associated with the involvement of the work till the end of it in itself. Here, by end of it in self means that the individual has high job satisfaction and has strong relationship with organization human resource (Marshall, 1998). This term is associated with meaningless work to some extent, because employees carry on his organizational integrity to outside world.

Solidarity orientation towards works is required in almost all the occupations. Team work is specially required in hospitals, professional sport games and event management. This orientation leads an occupation towards glory. “3. Outline Rolfe's (1986, 1990) model of skill”.

The model of Rolfe's skill is based on employment and new technological work. The model of skill is related to non-manual and case study work (Rolfe, 1986, pp37-49). The model of skill suggests that there is an association of social work and technological factors. Both the technological and social factors assist in developing skills in the employees.

The compatibility of employee skill according to Rolfe's model is dependent on social and technological work. The skill of employees plays an integral role in organizational success. Organization cannot achieve productivity at its optimal level, until their employees are not enriched with ultimate skill (Rolfe, 1990, pp 107).

“4. Explain the concept of 'skill variety' in the context or Hackman and Oldham's model and provide an example to illustrate it.”

The concept skill variety is associated with perceived work and job design. According to Hackman and Oldham (1975, pp 159-170), if the employee is supposed to perform same job every day it will leads to monotonous. This monotonous of work will lead to low productivity. The productivity of an employee can only be achieved by offering different job varieties.

For example, if an employee has to do writing job every day, he will get bored with it after some time period. The productivity of an employee will be reduced due to monotonous of work. The job design should be shaped in creative manner which constitutes different skills variety.

“5. Outline Taylor's principles of scientific ...
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