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Project Management

Project Management


Project Management is one of latest technological and management approach of planning a process from beginning to an end. The basic purpose of a project management is guide in planning and managing a project from certain starting point to finishing point. The project management is usually constitutes of five stages or processes. This includes initiation, planning, exestuation, controlling and closing. Project Management is used for all kind of projects in a well-structure manner. However, high usage of project management is used in field of software development where certain tasks have been carried to control the complex process and avoid aberrations from normal functioning. Thus, project management is highly organized system which is planned and executed very carefully to achieve certain objectives and goals in the end and also ensure that performance of planning would be received for longer period of time. Various researchers support that project management is one of most simplest and highly effective method in these days to successfully carry out project activities and achieve a certain goal during project and at the end (Bryde, 2003).

Project management is also implemented in various organizations these days to effectively manage their human and physical resources and also ensure that effective and efficient use of these resources is provisioned during life time of certain project. Various large organizations around the globe are increasingly adopting more and more processes and tools of project management as the part of their strategic goals. This is because every organization and company today has to manage their resources not only on time to remain competitive but also to maximize their resources' usage and minimize their resources' wastage (Brewer & Strahorn, 2012).


Systems and Processes to manage Human and physical Resources

One of the key issues in project management is to effectively and efficiently manage different resources of an organization or firm. Every project contains various types of resources that are essential to carry out project activities and maintain flow in tasks. The resources used in project also entails that they should be used in conjunction when and where is necessary to avoid any risks and delays of other activities that could mitigate the efficiency of firm. The resources used in project involve humans, physical and technological resources. While technological resources are easily to mange due to their automations, humans such as staff and workers and physical resources such as equipments, buildings, machines and the like are difficult to manage for firms. Each and every component of resource management is essential because each contribute though limited towards completion of whole project (Erling, Anders & Anne, 2009).

There are various kinds of processes and systems used to allocated resources by setting priority of each towards project activities. These processes include Gantt chart, work-breakdown structures, network analysis chart and critical path method (CPM) which provides efficient scheduling of various resources and activities in a project and also taken into consideration the constraints of each resource. These all would play significant role in contributing towards project management by minimizing ...
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