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Devising a Work Plan


Work plan

A work plan is a manuscript that elaborates the program, defines the objectives and goals for that program, program objectives and goals, sketches out the technical approaches, provides a focus to work and also ensures the quality of the program. It is always important to draw a work plan so that the progress and progress of the program can be traced. While drawing up a work plan it is necessary to consider some points so that the work plan can work in more efficient way. On the other hand there are some requirements that every organization should meet.

Goals and Objectives

A goal is a general and broader term which means to identify and solve the problem. Goals are never concrete or specific that is why it is always hard to say that the goals are achieved. While the objectives are like bench marks which reflect what a program has to achieve. During the documentation an

d evaluation of program, objectives are the most important elements to be drawn. Well documented objectives are called SMART that is they are Specific, Measureable, Answers the 5 Ws and H questions, Realistic and Time related.


Competence of a work plan depends upon the core competencies it has developed in itself. Competencies define that “how” would a plan work? It is a collection of skills, knowledge and attributes which are important for a successful performance of a work plan. There are two kinds of competencies which increase the competence of any work plan that are behavioural and technical. Personal attributes and knowledge fall under the behavioural category while skills are considered to be the technical competency of any work plan.

Operational Needs

There are many operational needs of a work plan included categorization of operational work that means which of the activities must be executed according to a predetermined schedule (daily, weekly, monthly), assigning resources means to make the list of operational activities sorted by responsible roles with resources assigned and estimating the duration for achievement of goals and objectives.


Efficiency of a work plan depends upon certain assurances that the work plan provides. It means that work plan should define the problem accurately, should evidently identify the roles, different perspectives and complex issues like cultural and geographical should be taken into account, drawn on the expertise, collection of various disciplines, it should asses the available resources accurately and adequately and should encourage public and multiple partners' ...
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