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How does the dilemma approach to understanding organizational culture work?

Culture is an important aspect that every business regardless of its genre or magnitude is affected by it tremendously. Much of the organizations moves and strategies depend on the kind and type of culture it possesses. When organizations plan to move across borders there are bound to be differences with respect to the norms and mores. Upon mergers and acquisitions, organizations should ensure the fact that their move does not affect the culture and norms of the other organization. Doing so would ensure that the merger or acquisition flourishes. When it comes to the ethical system of the west and the Middle East there are no differences as they carry relatively the same ethical systems. However, when it comes to other aspects like the business practices then there are conflicts that arise on routine basis.

These mergers and acquisitions have aided businesses in knowing the importance of different cultures and the degree of respect that each culture demands. It has also made it apparent that business practices that are said to be acceptable in UAE might not be acceptable in China. Some aspects of the business, which are a source of conflict amidst the two entities belonging to different parts of the world, can be hiring practices, women's role at work places, rights of the workers, the access of internet as well as the hiring practices. It is such instances that can become conflicts amidst any entities be it the competitors, consumers, colleagues or business partners. It then becomes the job of the authority to recognize the differences as well as ensure that there is a contingency plan when it comes to conflicts to avoid not only straining but also damaging the brand.

The entities should first ensure the fact that they get to ...
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