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Managerial and professional development

Table of contents

Organizational learning and development2

Approaches to learning2

Development of action plan4

purposes & outcomes5

Progress goals5

Monitoring progress goals:7

Courses of action8

Analysis of plan13


Managerial and professional development

Organizational learning and development

learning is considered as a requirement for the accomplishment of any changes in the organization. Obstacles to learning may result from the culture of the organization and/or from the past organizational experiences of employees of the organization. Creating lasting organizational change is associated with cultural change, which also includes attitude change (sudharatna, et al, 2004, p. 163) (Aronson, 2009,, 141).

Change awareness is an approach adopted by organizations in order to proactively define and search for occasions, which can lead to renewal and innovation in organization (Aronson, 2009,, 141).

Effective learning must therefore include single loops learning, double loop and particularly deuteron learning in order to continuously improve and grow at all organizational levels (jakupec et al, 2000, pp 24-41).

Organizational development is therefore, a responsive technique in order to adopt to change, it is a complex educational strategy, which is intended to change the culture, structure, values and beliefs of organization so that they can better face market challenges, adopt new technologies, and comply with its values and missions (adams, 1995, p 15).

Approaches to learning


This school of psychology was founded by wundt and his students. This school said that there are three basic elements of learning and development, these are sensations, feeling and image, which forms experience (way, 2000, p 204-207) (Butler, 2006,, 154).


Functionalism focus on behavior in addition to the conscious mind. Functionalist looked at how our experience help function more adaptively in our environments. They also used darwin's theory: organisms with the adaptive features (fittest) survive and reproduce; and from that they said that adaptive behaviors are learned and maintained.james wrote, "habit is the enormous flywheel of society." habit keeps the heart of civilization running (mckenna, 2006, pp 57-59) (Butler, 2006,, 154).


Psychoanalysis is devised technique from psychotherapy. It is designed to assist patients to gain insight into many of their subconscious conflicts and find sociably acknowledged ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs. Basically, its main focus is on notions of verbal mistakes and dreams that represent unconscious wishes lie.


John broadus watson (1878-1958) was the founder of american behaviourism. Although functionalism was dominant at the time, he believed that if psychology was to be a natural science likes physics or chemistry, it must be limited behavior alone, it is therefore a scientific study of behavior, which doesnot include mental processes.

A more of a modern contributor was b.f skinner (1904-1990). A harvard university psychologist that believed organisms learned to behave in certain ways because they have been reinforced to do so, which leads to a positive result (skinner, 1974, pp 14-17) (Clark, 2007,, 54).

Development of action plan

Organizational development is a responsive technique in order to adopt to change, it is a complex educational strategy, which is intended to change the culture, structure, values and beliefs of organization so that they can better face market challenges, adopt new technologies, ...
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