Strategic leadership is the ability to lead an organization. A strategic leader defines and develops the vision, mission, strategies and optimal structure of the organization. He or she gets the right people in the right roles and implements the most effective processes so that the organization succeeds. Strategic leadership refers to the ability to articulate a strategic vision of the organization and ability to motivate others to participate in that vision. Vision, eloquence and consistency are three attributes that every leader should possess to ensure that he flourishes in an effective and efficient manner and accomplish the vision that has been set for the organization (Daft, 1997).
Your strategic purpose is clearly to get (why you exist),
A comprehensive strategic analysis to perform (where you are now)
Strategic goals to appoint (where you want to go)
The strategy to execute (action off so that it becomes reality)
Strategy 1: Taking is risk is an attribute of a leader and James Dyson possessed it. A leader should never give up and constantly try if he believes that his product has what it takes to succeed. Regardless of the constant rejection of the product from the initial target market James Dyson never lost hope and continued. He was strategic enough to change his target market and target the consumers.
If one is to analyze from James struggle from the ECM deployment process perspective then James had a clear vision of where he saw his product. He had a strategy where he targeted the industry. The irony was that he was rejected by his desired target market. He then changed his strategy and decided to target the consumer. He implemented his strategy by advertising his product. He received the expected response from the target market. His business grew so rapidly that ...