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Human Resource Management in NHS

Human Resource Management in NHS


The Human Resource Management aims to organize workers of a given entity, to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization. It is the administrative process applied to the development of knowledge, skills and abilities required to achieve effective performance of different categories of workers (Beardwell and Claydon, 2010, pp. 500-545). It is aimed to obtain better results in terms of performance, working time efficiency, worker health and retain the best values, traditions, experiences and practices of members of the organization, for the benefit of the institution, of themselves and the country.


Difference between personnel management and human resource management

In chronological order the first term used to define the personnel function was to manage the Human Resources (HR). In particular, the most affected by changes in the methods of management, whose aim was to ensure a high quality of products and services through the introduction of "just in time" and "lean management”. Currently, it is understood that the term "human resources" is broader than the term "personnel management" and that it is most often used when discussing the personnel function. 

Personnel management carries out mostly functional cells that play a role in monitoring the management of personal affairs and the operating line. On the other hand, Human resource management requires the involvement of all managers, especially chief executives; personal cell acting in an advisory and, the attitude of management is enabled. 

Personnel Management has separate functions, tasks, uncoordinated, not arising from a coherent approach to solving employee issues, lack of economic ties with the strategy of the organization. Functions of Human resource management are integrated organizationally and conceptually, designed to bind to specific tasks, such as employee evaluations of pay, promotion of training, recruitment of job requirements, personnel strategy integrated with the strategy of the organization. Personnel Management focuses on order, consistency, and fairness. On the other hand focus of Human resource management is on the customer and the problem, flexible solutions, organizational culture. Managing of conflicts also differs in both kinds of managements. In Personnel management, it is formalized, articulated and depends on temporary cease-fire. Human resource management lacks focus on the existence of labour conflicts, fuelling the atmosphere of a community of interests and cultural behaviour. 

Human Resource Management and Health Working Process

A health system is a complex of high social significance, which is influenced by the dynamics of the international market, the development of national economies, the socio-political and logically falls where the possibilities of technological and computer access. Owing to these facts the supply of health services in the NHS has also become a complex and arduous task. They use values whose consumption is universal aspiration, but whose real access depends on the level of economic and cultural development of each country or nation, conditioned by the International Division of Labour, founded by capitalism in its various forms of geopolitical structure (Hall, n.d., pp. 1-22).

NHS is a specialized healthcare organization, whose operation depends mainly on the members of higher-level medical professionals-more loyal to the profession than ...
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