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This paper has been written with regards to the use of internal mail. Phone 4 U for founded by John Claudwell some years ago, and the company was petitioned by the branch managers for banning the usage of internal email. The paper discusses the problems as well as the benefits of this policy, and also presents examples of other organisations that have implemented the same policy. Moreover, examples of alternative systems that have been adopted by the companies to replace internal email have also been discussed.


The e-mail application is the simplest and most widely used Internet. And the translation of its name says it all, is a mail service on the network. Any user can send and receive messages through the network. Email addresses are easily identified and are composed of three parts: the name, ID and server name, something like this: Once connected to the Internet user has installed a mail program can now send and receive messages. You write a message and clicking a button, the mail program connects to the host ISP and it sends the message to the recipient host. Here the messages are stored in a mailbox until the recipient decides to connect to the network and read your mail. It is important to understand that messages do not reach for your computer owner's mail box, but his server, so if the computer is idle messages are not lost but are waiting on the host. The message sent can contain more than just text. Along with what would be a routine letter, you can attach a file of any type. This allows you to get memos written in any word processor, spreadsheet and loss accounts of your company or databases of their clients, photos and audio.

Being in the e-mail one of the most important tools and used the Internet, many companies use this to do business, as they do? - Very simple, they offer e-mail boxes for free if requested, is where you are, free. And where is the business? - For that to use these electronic boxes must be accessed via the WWW, or are e-mail programs that do not use e-mail administrators, the mode is to enter the vendor's Web Page e-mail and login free To manage the e-mail sent and received messages in an environment surrounded by advertising - so the business is in selling advertising on Web pages that users see thousands daily. The system is perfect, you really get an e-mail box (mail box) free and even with some advantages, anywhere in the world where I find I can check my messages on any computer connected to the network, without needing my program installed on my computer. The only disadvantage of the system is obvious, such as free user has no right to demand anything, in 1997, the e-mail server free "Hempseed" had technical problems and thousands of its customers were without e-mail for months.


Internal email within the companies is eight times more because of which all ...
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