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360-Degree Feedback

360-Degree Feedback

What is a 360-degree assessment?

Score is 360 degrees - the systematic collection of information on the work of an individual (or group) received from a number of people interested in his work, and feedback on it. According to the author of the method its scope can be very broad:

- Self-development and individual counseling (obtaining feedback allows the employee to correct his behavior and to identify areas of development) (Peacock & Hailstone, 2007, pp. 78);

- Corporate training and development (getting feedback before the training session allows the participant to understand his learning needs and helps him to aim precisely on aspects of the course that best meet their needs);

- Team building (Meaning the team feedback, which allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the team before the team work);

- Performance management (regular feedback allows a person to judge whether it has increased the efficiency of work);

- Strategic and organizational development (the ability to determine the point at which the particular development is required, the application of 360 degrees in this manner is based on the fact that changing the behavior of certain people, you can change the image of the organization as a whole);

- Evaluation of the effectiveness of training and other learning activities (conducted after the training, the questions aimed at determining the level of behavior which has changed in the behavior of the employee after the passage of training);

- Pay (not used for 100 interests in determining the size payment).

Method 360 is used both independently and as a complementary method to other evaluation procedures. Method 360 is used:

- To determine the training needs of employees, those competencies that are necessary to develop, create individual development plans;

- Ongoing evaluation of the performance criteria in this job for a certain period of time (usually in conjunction with ...
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