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Creating a Motivated Workforce

Creating a Motivated Workforce

Workplace Diversity

Diversity, viewed in its broadest sense, includes all the characteristics that make one individual different from another. It includes variations in personal aspects we control as well as those over which we have no choice. The term diversity, when applied to demographics, can include variables such as race, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, and geographic origin. Diversity can also include work group affiliation, life-style, career history, and cognitive style. The diversity found in the UK gives us areas of commonality through which we can connect with others and aspects of difference from which we can learn. Diversity can provide opportunities to embrace new customs and expand traditional roles; however, it may also create challenges as people struggle to find common ground in communities composed of individuals and groups with varied backgrounds and values (Kandola, 1995, pp. 131-167).

Benefits of Workplace Diversity

1. Helping to create links between internal and external aspects of the school.

2. Attraction, recruitment and management of employees with different backgrounds and talented professionals.

3. Reduced labor costs.

4. Contribution to the flexibility and individual responsibility of employees.

5. To encourage involvement, work ethic and the "discretionary effort" of employees.

6. Enhance the effect of technological change and globalization.

7. Strengthening innovation and creativity.

8. Developing knowledge on how to function in diverse cultures.

9. Increased understanding of stakeholders needs.

10. Assistance in developing new modes of teaching by introducing teaching oriented products, services and teaching strategies.

11. Improved image and reputation of the institute externally.

12.Generating prospects for underprivileged crowds, and promoting social unity (Brennan, 1989, pp. 12).

For example, Walmart is one of the organizations that has a higher degree of diversity be it in culture, nationality, religion or gender. Obviously diversity is bound to bring about challenges and Walmart has tackled such challenges by training on cultural diversity and encouraging the employees to develop contacts by having events for them to build strong social contacts.

Drawbacks of Diversity through HRM

Adapting the new reality of diversity in the workplace is a great opportunity, but it also has its share of challenges. Even with the best intentions, the reality of the effective human resource management of recruiting, selecting and retaining cross-cultural employees is not necessarily something that is obvious. Hence the relevance of adopting a diversity plan of action in this direction is only valid if it is executed properly.

Among the most common barriers and problems that college might face when advancing in the management of diversity through recruitment, selection and retention include:

Ethnocentrism: It represents the notion that one's set of rules and standards as well as norms are superior to other's rules, standards as well as the set of norms of other cultures. This can also result in lack of respect which can be a source of hindrance for employees belonging to other caste, creed or religion. This can in turn lead to a divide and form groups which can ultimately impact an employee's performance and ...
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