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Answer # 1

One of the most important initiatives taken by Ratan Tata was the idea of selling the name of the brand, “Tata” to the others to be used (Khanna,, pp.1). Since everything has its pros and cons, so does this idea, and therefore, it was good but there are also some aspects.

The growth potential of the Indian Automobile Industry is rapidly increasing. There has been an increase in the demand for Indian automobiles with changes in the customer lifestyle. The surge of urbanization has also influenced the patterns of customer buying behavior in the luxury car market in India. Since the first car rolled out on the streets of India, the automobile industry of the country has come a long way. With the growth of the industry, the number of car buyers is also increasing. When compared to past few years, there is an increase in the number of people buying cars. The annual production of the automobile industry in India is approximately 2 million units. The production capacity has made this industry the eleven largest in the world. The automobile market of India holds huge potential that attracts car manufacturers from all over the world. In the modern era, car has become one o the most important necessities of life. For this reason, there is a major scope to study the buying behavior of the consumers of cars. The study is restricted to Bangalore which is one of the richest cities in India. The knowledge of different factors that influence the buying behavior of customers in (Bangalore) India would help in identifying why and what customers buy. This study has tried to identify and analyze different factors that influence the buying behavior of customers in the luxury car market. It would allow markers to gain an insight of customer mind. The scope of this research has a very good future.

Moreover, besides this, Tata Group also owns various other products that belong to the range of consumer products such as tea, and deals with the services industry, energy, engineering, materials, and information technology and communications. Although the company already owns too many brands, it cannot be said that it is over burdening the corporate portfolio. However, the management needs to ensure that the important aspects of management are taken care of. For this purpose, in my opinion, it is highly important to conduct proper research.

Investigation of the ideas and useful knowledge can be done by research, and although research is beneficial, there are chances that it can be abused. This is because of the objective of the research that can be misrepresented in certain situations. Results of research that are distorted are of no use since they do not portray true results. There are many elements that make up a good research which include a question which is well defined. Moreover, it also includes the information with regards to the topic that is existing currently. Besides this, there are critical assumptions and presentation of evidence that determine ...
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