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Comparison of Two Different Styles of Dining Experience Within the Food & Beverage Sector


In this report I have compared two different styles of dining and service experiences within the food & beverage sector. I have chosen two different restaurants for the study. The two restaurants are Gordon Ramsay Restaurant and Pizza Express. Both these restaurants have completely different menus and they provide extremely different customer experience. There are various factors that give each of these restaurants competitive edge over other some of these factors are discussed in detail in this report. The weaknesses of each restaurant are highlighted and recommendation is also proposed that would help these restaurants in managing their overall organisational mission.

Table of Contents



Gordon Ramsay Restaurant4

Pizza Express4

Market Types and Segment of Gordon Ramsay & Pizza Express Restaurants5

Service System comparison of Gordon Ramsay Restaurant and Pizza Express5

Customer Experience at Gordon Ramsay Restaurant and Pizza Express6

Menu Mix of Gordon Ramsay Restaurant and Pizza Express7

Market Segmentation of Gordon Ramsay Restaurant and Pizza Express8




Comparison of Two Different Styles of Dining Experience Within the Food & Beverage Sector


The British food and beverages market is among the most contemporary and intense in Europe. Since, 2008 the economy of UK is facing crisis, that has affected the overall consumer food and beverages market intensely. Restaurant industry is one of the most uneven industries of the world that has employed more than 13 million people according to the survey conducted by Food Standards Agency (FSA) in 2010. Due to the fast changing environment consumer preferences and market research has become most important tools that can help the organisations in managing their business activities and market share accordingly (Sanderson, 2002, p.573).

In this research report, I have compared the dining experiences and services of two restaurants for identifying their effectiveness. The two organisations that I have selected for this report are Pizza Express and Gordon Ramsay restaurants, which are offering distinctive dining and take-away services to its esteem customers. In United Kingdom the two selected restaurants are having large market share mainly due to their food and beverages services (Gallarza, 2012, p.147).

Restaurants are free to have different variety of services for serving its customers but the most commonly observed formats of services are Casual Dining, Fast Casual and Quick servicing formats (Nasution & Mavondo, 2008, p.204). The most commonly used serving standards that are used by most of the restaurants are:

Casual Dining

The casual dining services are moderate priced food products that are placed in a casual environment. Table service is provided to customers by the staff of the restaurant that follow casual dining serving format. These restaurants have complete bar and the staff for bar is separate from other serving staff.

Quick services

Lower cost and speed of service are the two features of the quick service. The feature that differentiates the restaurants using quick service from the conventional restaurants is the absence of cutlery and crockery. The customers have to eat the food directly from the disposable containers in which it is served to ...
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