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Toyota's Strategic Management: Strategy Implementation

Toyota's Strategic Management: Strategy Implementation

Culture at Toyota

When a car leaves one of its plants, Toyota is confident that manufactured a high quality product with fewer defects than any other cars mark, in less time and with fewer workers, and with half the space you need competition. Such certainty derives from the virtues of the Toyota Way. Is more than a set of tools and techniques of manufacture is a philosophy of life determining all the processes carried out not only in plants of Toyota, but also in the management offices? This philosophy is what has made ??Toyota one of the Japanese companies profitable and successful history. It is a summation of principles and ideas, which has way to a culture and a style of work that has been transformed into the main vehicle producer worldwide and the sixth largest company in the world. In the history of the modern corporation, the Toyota marched toward the summit from their beginnings as a manufacturer of textile machinery in the industrial city of Koromo up what is today one of the most valued and respected worldwide and is one of the most notable examples there of how, based on deep values ??and philosophy Life, an organization must be managed in the long term. Toyota Organizational Culture Edgar Schein (1989) defines organizational culture as the pattern of basic assumptions that a certain group invented, discovered or developed in the process of learning to solve its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, and that worked well enough about to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new group members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to these problems (Satoi, 2008). The Japanese have individual characteristics of their own tradition, determine the organizational development of any business: the need for trust on a personal level, seriousness and honesty in dealings, the requirement regarding the quality, the importance of teamwork and desire for improvement, the belief that decisions be taken by consensus, never individually, austerity, strict enforcement of individual responsibility, and deep respect for the order, discipline and hierarchy. A culture associated with these values ??and standards that guide behavior define the identity of the institution and determine its mode of being, thinking and their way of acting that has a definite influence on the operation and results of the company.

This culture contains a set of tangible and intangible elements that characterize the institution and distinguish it from other groups. These elements are mission and values, philosophy and concepts, attitudes and behaviors have been socially assimilated, shared and transmitted by the Members, the organization. Toyota's management style has become a way of life for all who work there, not just behavioral patterns, but also foundations development of the entire being. There are two concepts that govern the Toyota Way, which have been present not only in the largest automaker in the world, but also in the Japanese business development: The Kanban and ...
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