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The Office Place

The Office Place

Training and Development at The Office Place

All components involved in a company that develops a model of the learning organization, share the view that the future draws on day by day through continuous learning, and as feedback, that local learning, personal, shall become through its global sharing, enriching everyone absolutely. The organizational members actually synergize their own knowledge management which moves the company and provides all the success. This in turn, creates a sense of innovation, continuous training and a feeling of connection with the company. Secondly, it is essential in this model of knowledge sharing the use of time and resources to communicate the new working procedures based on union work, the cooperation, the discussion and analysis. As the communication gap decreases, the basic tools are not only distribution of information but the creation of the group. The importance of the customer plays a crucial role here. The knowledge of their needs of all kinds, not only purely commercial, their demands and their views on the relationship with the company, makes it central to the process of knowledge. It actually adds the source of learning and research (Green, 2002).

Learning organizations are those that facilitate the learning of all its members, which continually transform to meet the demands of the environment, where learning organizations is not only the acquisition of new information and skills but fundamentally a social activity that relies on various collaborative bodies that allow to collect and integrate different experiences, knowledge, abilities and skills around a community in which they learn from each other. They are organizations which: Stimulates the sense of shared responsibility, confidence, creativity, flexibility, commitment and ownership. Define objectives, identify-opportunities and problems and relies on the efforts to use knowledge effectively and institutional capacities to learn from others and develop new opportunities Aims at the integration of activities and visions contributing to accommodate the diversity inherent in any organization, but at the same time valuing and recognizing the experience, authority and capacity of each. Stimulates collaborative learning that enables people to understand, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and apply the information they acquire.

How training appears within The Office Place (For example, through having an actual transfer climate, working in a learning organization) is particularly important for training to be effective, especially for certain kinds of training such as diversity training. An individual's motivation to learn is an important attribute that they bring to training that increases its effectiveness and mediates the impact of other facilitating factors. A motivation to learn arises from both individual and situational characteristics. Meta-analyses show that unions who choose to learn accord high value to training, lack anxiety, have an internal locus of control, have high achievement motivation, are conscientious, have high self-efficacy (i.e., believe that they can master the learning material and training), are loyal to their organizations, and plan their careers. Employees with high motivation to learn with having high supervisor and peer support and a positive work climate.

The design of organization training programs relies on three ...
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