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How should the leader deal with the situation

In business, there are a few quite a lot of things that do not work out when the decision making process is slow. A slow decision making process can be referred to as a process which takes more than normal time to take decisions and get them implemented on time. It is the value of time that has led many organizations to reach the sky, and organizations that have not valued time have vanished from the market within days or months. With the current analysis, it is observed that the market is, and the market trends are changing at a very rapid pace, and things that were previously done in weeks are now done with in days, with such a high uncertainty it is very important to have a quick decision making process with effective and efficient results. A decision that takes a lot of time to be approved or implemented will certainly delay the results which might in return harm the organization as the uncertainties have risen to a very great extent, a halt or slow decision making process can destroy the organization with in no time.

Now it is the responsibility of the C.E.O to take his managers into confidence, and make them realize that this slow decision making process as acting as a cannibalization for their company, and this is destroying their competitive advantage in the market. The managers somehow have to be taken into confidence and given a brief explanation as to how this slow decision making process could become more of a menace for their organization. The leader has to develop team on the basis of specialization. One of the organizational that focuses on how organizations can work more efficiently and smoothly is to help them work under a specialized environment. Work specialization is basically the division of labor. The tasks of the employees are divided into separate jobs, and the employee within each department performs the tasks assigned to him according to his specialty. This somehow makes the organizations work very smooth as everyone works according to their experience and area of concern, which directly makes the workflow very smooth and enhances decision making as more accurate data comes from every specialized employee. A team environment would be breaking down employees into teams with efficient work flow. A team which will be more of concerned with the analysis and working of their concern would simply make the employees more motivated, it is quite obvious that if an employee is given the task that he has specialized in, and has been given the opportunity to take decisions he would certainly work more efficiently, and there would be much less delay in coming up with results as compared to an earlier situation when the employees were very slow in the decision making process.

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