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What differences are there in ethical behaviors related to the use of ICT amongst post-graduate students from different countries?


In this time the human life is marked by the Technology Information and Communication Technology (ICT), through these, people, spaces virtual knowledge, interact and relate in ways previously unimaginable. The advent of information technology and communication technology (ICT) has caused or facilitated important changes that cannot be welcomed. This is the case of so-called cyber-plagiarism. Adoption and submission of secondary source as their own ideas, and theories is not something new, but the technologies associated with the Information Society (IS), especially the Internet and more specifically the World Wide Web (WWW), greatly facilitate this practice that is ethically reprehensible and academically incorrect. This research aims to identify the differences present in the ethical behaviors related to the use of ICT amongst post-graduate students from different universities. The universities utilized were University of Michigan & University of Chicago. The data was obtained by means of e-questionnaire emailed to students. There were 101 students in totality. The result concluded that majority of students perceived the concept of plagiarism to be highly unethical and it defeats the basic purpose of the degree.

Keywords: Technology Information and Communication Technology, Plagiarism

What differences are there in ethical behaviors related to the use of ICT amongst post-graduate students from different countries?


What is ICT?

ICT stands for Information, Communication and Technology. As precise as it sounds there is no set definition of the acronym since its concepts, its methods as well as the application of ICT is evolving on constant basis.

In this time the human life is marked by the Technology Information and Communication Technology (ICT), through these, people, spaces virtual knowledge, interact and relate in ways previously unimaginable. The technological revolution has promoted a new society marked by changes global and innovation in information technology, influencing the economy, policy, the competitive aspects of the labor market and education strategies new learning structures as well as new forms recreation and immediate and permanent interaction in real time, globally between people. This is a new paradigm that is being built by the global society through ICT, which traverse the fields of communication, to connect people with information, products and ideas, working both individually and in communities worldwide. To address these changes ICT skills have become part of the requirements demanded in many jobs.

In this context it is important to study the skills of students in the use of ICT. Core competencies are related to the use of ICT in classroom activities and presentations, likewise, involve application of digital tools for information and issues related to the use and development of materials through a variety of online sources (UNESCO, 2008). The items comprising this dimension are:

a) Use of major computing resources and networking;

b) Using the Applications productively

c) Application of digital tools to obtain information from a variety of sources;

d) Interaction and collaboration with peers using variety of digital resources.

The results of this dimension show that 77% of ...
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