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Ethics & Personal Integrity

Ethics & Personal Integrity


The literal meaning of hospitality is the entertainment of guest, visitors or stranger with generosity and willingness. The nature of the hospitality industry is very vast and diverse. Managers need to be flexible enough to tackle the needs and establishments of customer's demands which is a very demanding job (Glenn, 1996).

Discussing Hotel Business

The hotel business has become a vital part of everyday life due to people who are working long shifts or are away from home, they have to eat at the local restaurants. (Walker. 2006, p.31) The other reason for this is that people normally runaway from the hassle of cooking as it is very hectic.

A customer or a traveler's basic need toward hotel is the facility to provide a shelter while they are on tour or need hospitality. A regular customer would demand, satisfying and friendly service from the hospitality management department. Therefore, a manager should make sure that hospitality management process should be initiated in a satisfying manner so that a customer feels satisfied.


Keeping in view the diverse framework of the hospitality industry it is very apparent that the workforce required maintaining and sustaining the standing of each entity is extensive be it a hotel or a restaurant. It is natural to have issues in a diverse industry and like other issues; ethical issues are bound to be faced since hospitality industry involves customers that are belonging to different caste, creed and religion. Since they belong to different caste, creed and religion they are bound to have different norms that they are conditioned to follow. Non compliance of the demands of the customer can lead to futile satisfaction level hence resulting in loss of customer base which can have a major impact on the standing of the hotel (Hemmington, 2005, p.1).

Construction of Ethical Barometer

Being ethical means having the knowledge and the ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Barometer is said to be an instrument that detects the atmospheric pressure or basically that identifies and highlights any changes that take place. Personal Integrity can be defined as honesty, truthfulness as well as accuracy of an individual's action and it can also be defined as a trait opposite to the concept of hypocrisy. The ethical barometer has 15 questions in totality. Ethical barometer is said to be a tool that identifies changes in the standards of right and wrong with respect to personal integrity (Betsy, 1999, p.113).


Employees from different hierarchical level of the hotel were interviewed. Their designations involved manager of the hotel, front office manager, maintenance chief, food and beverage, front desk supervisor, room's inspector, head chef, van drivers, pool attendants, bar staff employee, restaurant staff employee and catering server's employee.

The sample consisted of 5 males and 5 females belonging to the generation of baby boomers who were in their early 60's and late 70's. It consisted of the 13th generation who were in their early 30's and late ...
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