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Week 3

Week 3


Human relation in many ways is nothing but a manifestation of goodwill and common sense in practice. Leaders in the field of human relations are dependent on ways of making a job attractive be it at a supermarket or a factory. Leaders often ignore these basic things, especially when their business is growing. The initial stage of entrepreneurship involves the concern for the growth of business rather than the staff or workers that are employed. Working towards one common goal is what binds the owner of the company and its staff together. But the motivation level, the morale and enthusiasm to consistently work for the goal tends to wear off with time if the leader does not take care of the human resource oriented problem (Wheatly, 1992, p. 32).

In order to balance the dynamics of success in terms of taking the organization towards one direction it is mandatory for the leader to adopt apt leadership styles which in long term can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. In order to have such an orientation it becomes vital for the leader to promote oneself as a brand that the employees can look up to and as well as comply.

Leaders as Brands

It is vital that an individual as a leader is should first become a brand. Brand means what are the values a leader stands for which should have clarity, precise, consistent so that when employees hears their leader they know that this individual regardless of the ambitions one engages in knows what one is doing. Every individual or a leader in the history of mankind has stood for certain things. In order to achieve those goals and ambitions they have been demanding, hardworking, and decisive and demonstrate innovation. A leader should ensure that he has open communication with his employees and clearly communicate what he stands for, the kinds of expectations he has, approach towards handling situations and the level of performance he expects after knowing the expectations that the employees have from him. This communicates clarity.

Even if the external pressures are such that demands to deviate from the values and set standards of the organization; an effective leader should be rigid to balance the strengths and weaknesses and do not by any mean deviate from the standards. Staying glued shows you are business values, company's values and personal values.

A leader should also establish a clear path and decision criteria for your employees to live with so that they make their decision using the same filter. Eventually it results in empowered team and quicker decisions and that leads to clarity of decisions. This is only possible when the leader has strong values does not compromise on it because it is much harder to reestablish values than from establishing them in the first place

Behavior & Personality

An individual is known through the set of behavioral characteristics he possesses which is also known as personality. It is the type of personality which brings about a positive or a ...
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