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Management in HealthCare

Management in HealthCare

Part 1

Executive Summary

In this discussion we have reflected on Eric, who is my boss and the head of nursing staff in the hospital. He is a great leader and a great manager. He knows how to handle people effectively and everyone likes his leadership. They feel comfortable to talk to him about any issues they are facing because they are sure they will get a wise solution to it. Eric keeps on analyzing how to develop their leadership skills. His belief is that leadership is a way by which a person motivates all others who come under his supervision to attain an objective and makes the organization move towards a direction which makes it become more progressive, consistent and rational. Eric employed the participative leadership style while managing subordinates in his organization. This leadership theory aids in developing and maintain strong healthy relationships between the employees and leaders. It allows employees to offer their own suggestions and aid the manager in deciding on critical decisions. In this leadership style the employees are the core, they participate in the discussion with the management and help in making fruitful decisions.



I think that my boss, Eric is not only a great manager but a great leader as well. He being the head of nursing staff in the hospital has a look at each and every employee who comes under his supervision and makes sure to keep them moving in the right direction for the success of the organization. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the aspiration and willpower, you can truly become an effective leader. They are there to support their team through every situation. They take up challenges upfront and never hesitate to fight for themselves or the group they are leading. Good leaders groom themselves up through a continuous process of self-study, learning, guidance, and practice (Fairhurst, 2007).

To motivate your workers into advanced levels of cooperation, there are particular things you should be able to identify, and do. All this comes through experience, continual effort and study. Eric makes sure that he keeps on studying how to enhance their leadership skills. He believes that leadership is a method by which a person encourages others to achieve an objective and moves the organization towards a way which turns it to become more consistent and rational. Leadership is a process in which an individual influences a group of individuals in order to accomplish a mutual goal. It is what makes one achieve success and growth of the organization as well.

Differentiate Between a Leader and Manager

Leadership and manager ship are not synonymous to each other. Leadership does not want any sort of managerial position to prove itself. While on the other hand, a manager can be a great manager if he has qualities of a good leader. A manager needs to take up all five functions in order to accomplish goals. These functions include planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and ...
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