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UK Trade Union and its role in new Employee relations in twenty first century

UK Trade Union and its role in new Employee relations in twenty first century

Literature Review

For past thirty years, Trade Unions operating in United Kingdom have witnessed considerable decline in their roles, objectives, and importance in the life of employees. In addition to this opening of certain elements in the modern world like outsourcing of employees, legal responsibilities, constraints, and introduction of employee welfare firms has a vital role in dumping the importance of trade union for employees of United Kingdom (Bryson & Forth, 2010).

Future of trade union is packed with enormous challenges, and it has to be seen that what strategies do trade unions adopt to counter future challenges as their behaviour adopt and attitude will determine their future prospect in the United Kingdom.

(Wright, 2011) further explained that Trade Unions from there commencement has played a vital role in enhancing the living standard of employees; however modern era has observed significant decline in their role. Several members of the trade union disconnected their membership in the beginning of twenty first century, but this change in perception of workers was minor as compared to preceding decades.

Similarly, Butler (2009) also described that with Growing competition in the industry and thinking of operating in a global perspective have provided UK firm's boundless opportunities to enhance and grow in the larger market. Nevertheless, has also increased the working pressure and responsibilities and; as a result, this firms are relying on outsourcing firms to help organization in selecting the quality human resource.

The above-defined concern is not only for UK trade union; rather it has become a huge concern for trade unions of developed countries. However, United Kingdom has witnessed substantial decline for example, in year 2010 there was 37 percent decline in popularity of trade Unions than it was it year 1980.

Meanwhile, (Bryson and Forth, 2010) further elaborated that current declining trend is only related to a small group of workers like workers who work manually, young age employees, and male employees. Whereas, female workers, governmental employees, and older age workers have kept their trust on Trade Unions and their working patterns.

Further, another aspect of worry for trade unions is the lack of interest found among new workers. In the year 1980, the percentage of these people was found to be 1 in 5, but in the year 2002, this ration has become 1 in 2. However, a new female graduate that is looking for a job or currently working in the organization will get herself registered with trade unions as compare to men.

Current analysis indicates that fifty two percent of employees working at industries like education and defence trust trade union, similar trend is observed for employees working in the government sector, whereas, on average 20 percent of people working in the public sector are registered with unions (Wright, 2011).

Recognition of Unions

In year, 1999 UK government and legal authorities drafted The Employment Relationship Act, to provide trade union with the opportunity of registering ...
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