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Management System and Structure

Table of Content


1.Nature of Organisational Structure2

1.1 Organization structure objective and its impact on Organisational culture2

1.2 Interrelationship of institutional, managerial and technical levels3

1.3 Potential sources of organization3

2.Design of Organisational Structure4

2.1 Variables influence organisational structure and management system4

2.1.1 Training4

2.1.2 Mission Statement4

2.1.3 Change5

2.1.4 Priorities5

2.2 Operational function contributes organisational task achievement5

2.3 Operational verses Support Functions6

3.Understanding Centralisation and Decentralisation6

3.1 Management system leads centralized or decentralized6

3.2 Centralisation and Decentralisation Comparison7

3.3 Management span and control verses chain of command7


Works Cited9

Management System and Structure


For more than hundred years in a large organization, centralized decision making would be prefer more due to economic benefits. The decision making through centralized process would integrate towards the information and efficiently usage for making better understanding of decision, rather than the unconnected local decision might be superseded. It was treated that centralized decision making was a benefit for the economically reason a d more feasible for information technology. For the last century the Centralisation was treated as the only game town that still belief from most of the organization that it provide significant benefits (Bemard, 1995, p: 20). However, the later part of the last century has taken the another kind of change, and the new beginning has been occur in sharp to believe on decentralisation, where there were many organization would start removing her middle managers. The mangers who were remain have been more surprising, and the decision will be offered and empowered to subordinates that to be called “empowerment” in year 1990s. At that time peoples have been feeling that their responsibilities going to be increased and the more people were available to solve the particular problem and issue to be monitor as well as compliance.

Nature of Organisational Structure

1.1 Organization structure objective and its impact on Organisational culture

The structure of organization has referred to the way of reporting structure that defines how the people follow it. The structure has varies in shape of “Tall” that uses layers of management while the “Flat” organization has less managerial level with wider span of control (Teresa & Adelino, 2011, p: 180). In both case the middle managers have play a vital role for guide the workers within the department.

The behavior and the attitude of the people at the workplace have been defending the culture of the organization. The structure of organization has effect one another, and the appropriate structure helps for the company to developed health environment. The companies which follow the rigid structure has needed to follow the reporting line and companies who have set the standard of flat structure will communicate more easily within different department. Studies also defined that there is a close connection between the organisational structure and job satisfaction. Flatter organization has feeling move faster for self actualization and employees become less anxiety (Rajnish, 2011, p: 799). Customer relation will also be affecting and might be suffer for the customer that cause and create the difficulty and the problem should be addresses. At that particular time multi-functional teams can play a significant role towards answering the ...
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