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Leadership and Management Knowledge and Skills

[Name of the Institute]

Leadership and Management Knowledge and Skills


At one time, employees were considered just another input into the production of goods and services. What perhaps changed this way of thinking about employees was the study, referred to as the Hawthorne studies, conducted by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1932, this study found out that employees are not motivated solely by money but also their behavior is linked to their attitudes. The Hawthorne studies began the human relations approach to management, whereby the needs and motivation of employees become the primary focus of managers. Understanding employee motivation and its relationship with corporate culture and gender is the focus of this essay. This essay contains the theoretical and analytical aspects of the leadership, management, and interpersonal skills development process and steps individual level of performances in the social and health care management institutes. This paper will give the enhancement and to make their selves skilled and up to the international standards and cultures of the organizations through which they can improve their performances in the organizations.


As social care and health care organization or institute appoints the social care and health care department manager who is freshly graduate and inexperienced that he or she don't have the idea of the corporate culture of the organizations, so that they can build their career with the diversified knowledge based and skills enhancement systems in the organizations that they can make the most of their opportunities to prevail in the organization with motivation, understandings of the procedures and work processes of the organizations.

Organizational Culture

Cultures of the organizations vary from the cultures of the societies as the demographics and geography changes the cultures differences can be seen easily in the organizations. This includes the habits, norms, values, and ethical boundaries in human resources of the organizations that make the difference among the cultures of the organization. One of the aspect of culture differences is the adaptation where a company is operating worldwide either the head quarter is based in other country so they can operate in the other regions and culture where they believes in the own philosophy about the cultures and working environments in the organizations. The organization culture is different in the Japan and different in the United States because they have cultural and values differences as Japanese believes in close culture and shot gun treatment with their employees as far as Americans are concerned they believes in motivational aspect of leadership with their employees and management (Worrall, L., & Cooper, C. 2001, pp. 34-39).

Culture and Personal Skills Development Effectiveness

Culture plays a prominent role in the development of personal skills up to the society need. Culture made up of different mixture of aspects that a society is based on moral values, ethical values, social values, norms and traditional values, but the organizational culture is relevant with it in terms of adopting the working environment, procedures, laws, rules and standards that a person can ...
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