Managed Care Issues Analysis

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Managed Care Issues Analysis



The Protection of Patient's Welfare in the Managed Care System2

Issues Related To the Lack of Correspondence between the Patient Practice and the Relevant Ethical Guidelines and Codes4

Issues related the disparities in depression care in managed Care Settings4


Managed Care Issues Analysis


The managed care in the USA healthcare system is at present primary social and economic concern to deliver cost effective healthcare services to patients. Managed care is considered as the prime delivery and financing procedure and include all stakeholders in the health delivery mechanisms financial risks. The managed care aims to assure the quality life through cost efficiency. There are many issues related to the management of patients benefit, requirement of government and private plan sponsors (Navarro R. P. and Cahill J. A., 2009). The key issues related to current managed care in the USA in healthcare includes: the protection of patients welfare in the managed care system, the issues related to the lack of correspondence between the patient practice and the relevant ethical guidelines and codes, and issues related the disparities in depression care in managed Care Settings.


The Protection of Patient's Welfare in the Managed Care System

The patient interest protection is a huge concern in the managed care in US. The complains related to substandard quality delivery and care refutation for the purpose of cutting costs and neglected health plans are reported. The selection of healthcare provider depends upon patient and visits them. The provider forward bills to public or private insurer and payers or patient directly pay to provider and reimbursed later from insurer.

The most common issues reported from the patient and customer affecting patient welfare and care in the healthcare includes:

Cost savings or the false and unsustainable claims by the managed care which directly influences the quality of patient medical care. The cost savings through the increased health expenditures, and decrease in the patient hospital care, drug supply and the physician services to the patient's. The delay financial incentives management to manipulate physician to follow their health plans and cost cutting policies and resources utilization in the cost effective way.

Provider reimbursement that includes physician compensation and hospital reimbursement procedures, which are extremely slow to provide effective health care. The hospitals are concerned about the excess for reinvestment and profitability and customers concern is the threat of hospital closure. Managed care authorities are trying to develop through utilization of reviews and pre ...