Manage Personal Work Priorities & Professional Development

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Manage Personal Work Priorities & Professional Development

Manage Personal Work Priorities & Professional Development

Element 1 - Establish Personal Work Goals

Goal setting is used by top athletes, successful businessmen and entrepreneurs in all fields. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term. Focus your acquisition of knowledge and helps organize your time and your resources so you can make the most of life.

The lack of goals is a major reason for that has not resulted in their businesses, and most people cannot be successful due to lack of clear goals. There are many people who think they will make money without doing anything (Benjamin, 2006). Any successful person in any field, without exception knows that success comes before work only in the dictionary, in real life is totally different. Once you decide what you want to achieve, accomplish or achieve. Goals that are attainable, they depend on you. In today's world, strategic management is widely used by individuals, aimed at long-term outcome and survival. Strategic Management consolidates the company's resources and acts as a key element of its handling by objectives. In order to help you set Smart Goals, an individual should follow: Smart - A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general practitioner. A vague goal would be getting in shape and a specific goal would be going into a gym and work out 3 times a week. Measurable - You should establish criteria to measure the results of your goals. If the goal go into a gym and work out 3 times a week you have not established any metric. Already on purpose get in a gym, train 3 times a week and lose 6 pounds already includes a metric (Benjamin, 2006). Attainable - The goal must be attainable. No point in creating outlandish goals those are unlikely to be achieved. To achieve your goal, you will create an action plan, but you hardly able to reach it if it is unrealistic.

Relevant - In this part you should verify that it really worth investing your time in obtaining this goal. In the example of losing weight, this change can have a large bearing on the person, whether due to improvement in health or aesthetics. Temporal - You must set a deadline for your goal is achieved. In the case of weight loss, the goal would be ideal, enter the gym, train 3 times a week, and lose 6 pounds in 3 months. So will put a deadline by which it can achieve the goal of weight loss.

Element 2 - Set & Meet Own Work Priorities

People who are successful, set goals and see to it that all their actions have contributed to the achievement of these goals. They are logical, reasonable and orderly, striving to achieve the results that they set for themselves as important. Your difficulty stems partly from the fact that in life you have to play many roles and strive to meet the many needs and desires that defined your unique ...
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