Manage Organizational Change

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Manage Organizational Change

Manage Organizational Change

Assessment 2

Element 1: Identify Change Requirements/Opportunities

Strategic planning emerged as the newest form of planning in organizations. This has kind of planning to change how you plan organizations to develop their own strategies and implementation, and became a strategic management tool essential for organizations to learn and evolve if it is the formulation of a state of excellence and to respond effectively to global changes ever in the acceleration and increasing. The term "strategic management" expresses the same concept as is reflected in strategic planning. Organization change may relate to great many options in an organization where the change can relate to a change in process or policy, a change in technology implemented or simply the rotation of jobs. It si important to relate each change with sound administrative practices that can overcome the negative effects of the change.

It is important to review existing policies of an organization against the objectives to better implement change management because all or some of the policies may not be conducive towards welcoming change or at the least, make it acceptable. Changes in policies need to be carried out as per the requirements of the organization. This may also mean a shift or modification in the vision or mission of the firm, as well. The external environment of the organization has profound impacts on its performance and on all of the organizational dynamics. The external economic interests not only to organizations whose mission is the production and distribution of goods and services that people can acquire, but also has great relevance to other types of businesses organized as an office. The social environment comprises the attitudes, desires, expectations, degrees of intelligence and education, beliefs and customs of people in a group or society. The legal and political environment is primarily the complex of laws, regulations and government agencies, and their actions, which affect all types of businesses. The medium is the set of ethical standards generally accepted and practiced personal conduct. Although these standards may or may not be codified by law, any group that has applied the same force as law. External environment can be an opportunity to seek a sustainable competitive advantage in the medium and long term, since its inclusion increases the reliability of industrial processes and value products and services delivered to customers. Technological factors influence upon the ways in which people of a firm do their work, the political factors relate to the change in rules and regulations that affect the firm by changing its legislative obligations to the business and its surroundings. The economic factors regulate the allocation of funds and its usage, to which the firm is duly accountable. Then there are social factors that also reflect upon the traditions of societies and their cloture. The company must adhere to the societal practices for general agreement and acceptance of its offerings. Environmental factors affect the firm in imposing environmental changes to the business, thus, calling for sound CSR strategies to deal with ...
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