Malnutrition Case Study

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Malnutrition Case Study

Malnutrition Case Study


Malnutrition is defined as a term which refers to the problem arises from the imbalance or improper diet or nutrients and results in either under-nutrition or over -nutrition.US Department Of Health And Human Service also provides that there are various nutritional disorders which may result due to malnutrition. According to report by World Food Program WPF Malnutrition is not only problem of underdeveloped countries but for the well developed countries as well. According to a report malnutrition 'affects more than 147 million pre-schoolers in developing countries'. There are various causes of malnutrition in different countries. Sometimes the problem occurs due the reason that the diet taken by the patient does not contain the nutritional values required.

Case study

It is the case of 82 year old man with the case history of the atrial fibrillation, hypertension, syncope, pacemaker implantation, heart failure, pulmonary edema, chronic renal failure, anemia, dementia and substantial recent weight loss. He also complains of the shortness of breath.

Health and Nutrition Status, Including Major Stressors, Health Problems, and Pertinent Assessment Data

The patient is admitted with various serious complaints. When his nutrition and diet was assessed it was recorded that his food mostly consist spices which are very dangerous for the health and especially at the age of 82 years stomach in not in the condition to accept and absorb these spices. Another problem is the intake of excessive salt which leads to increase in BP, heart disease and respiratory and various other diseases. Age is also an important factor that results in the decline of the renal problems and decrease in the antidiuretic hormone (

Major Hormones And Cytokines Involved In Cachexia Related To Heart Failure And Renal FailureIn Cachexia there is major weight loss and results in the renal and heart failure the major role is played by the Cytokines for example excessive interleukin, interferon ?, and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a). These factors are generally responsible for the cachexia. It also creates the problem of gastric emptiness due to the lower concentration of the serum albumin. Lab test of the patient shows serum albumin-3.2 which is the reason that he complains of empty stomach after two hours of having breakfast. Hematocrit level is also increased 29.9 %, which proves more chances of cardiac and renal failure. Decrease in hemoglobin also increases the chance of heart failure due to the problem in the oxygen supply to the lungs and renal failure due to oxygen supply to renal tissues which results in protein+5 concentration in urine and results in the problem of the excessive weight loss of 8lbs last month, 23 in 4 months.

Harris Benedict equations for men, calculation of the basal energy expenditure (BEE)

Schrier also discussed and evaluate the BEE in case of patients of malnutrition. (Schrier, 2006 p. 2744)

B.E.E. = 66.5 + (13.75 x kg) + (5.003 x cm) - (6.775 x age)

B.E.E. = 66.5 + (13.75 x 50) + (5.003 x162.5) - (6.775 x 82)

B.E.E. = ...
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