Making Love

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Making Love

Making Love


Love and faith are attributes of a person that make him survive throughout his life. In difficulty and challenging times, it is faith and love that enables a man to stand by his principles and face the world with spirit. “Tom Inglis” is an Irish author and lecturer. He is the author of numerous books; one of those is “Making Love”, which is a romantic and honest memoir of his own life. The memoir tells the reader about different aspects of his life that how he met the love of his life and later married the same woman. The book does not only contain love and romance, but it is also a painful story of struggle between life and death. This memoir represents faith and belief, affection and romance of a person with another person.

“Tom Inglis” a staunch critic of Irish Catholic churches, wrote the romantic memoir about his relation and love with his wife. The beauty of life is related to relations. The foundation of relations lay on love, trust and understanding. The way a person care & share his life with other is an appealing concept. To develop understanding in a relation with love and care makes life more pleasant and worth living. (Siores-Akiona 2011, p.13). This book offers a world of understanding, care, love, compromise and sacrifices along with beauty of life and ugliness of death.


Life is a combination of joy and sorrow. In life, a person meets many people and interacts with them, but only few of them get close to his life and very few get close to his heart. Life becomes more beautiful when share and live with someone and struggle for other's happiness. As Helen Keller said: “Life is an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others." (Keller 2000, p.36). Tom Inglis in his beautiful memoir “Making Love” inspires the reader with his honesty and loving attitude for his wife.

Making love is more than just romance and intimation. It is a book that involves the reader in the beauty of life and the ugly reality of death. Tom Inglis and his wife Aileen MacKeogh both belong to Ireland. They first met in 1969 at a party in Stella House, Mount Merrion in 1969. According to the author; he fell in love with the girl (who later became her wife) in the very first meeting (Dwyer 2012, p. n.d).

Tom and Aileen interacted with each other in their very young age and developed a soft corner for each other. They started their happily married life soon after falling in love. More than love, its respect and care that binds two hearts with each other. In this book reader find the author caring his wife and loving her more than an ordinary lover. He not only got affection and physical infatuation, but he was more committed to her comfort and happiness.

Faith is an integral part of love. In order to love someone, it is important to trust him and make ...