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Social Change in Irish Catholic Churches

Catholic Churches


The population consent was conducted in 2001 in spite of the changes in the Irish society, showed that approximately 90 percent of the population are still persistent to combine themselves with the catholic churches. The consent showed that the country Ireland have individuals who were connected with the catholic churches. The people of the countries like Spain, France and Italy gazed themselves as being Catholic and they were separated from the churches because of the religious institutions and their religions too. Now days the catholic churches are not playing an active role in the social, political and the economic life of the society. The attachment between the catholic churches and the government has been declined in the recent years. Now the catholic churches remain as the only institutions which are involved in the religious matters only. Furthermore, the catholic do not depend on the catholic churches for their issues which are related with their life and catholic people now have become self reliant. (Inglis, T, 2005).


Despite of the fact that the people are not dependent om the catholic churches, their roles, nature and the standard of living has been changed but still they consider themselves as the Catholic when these people are asked to represent their identity.These people believe in on the fundamental principals that are being followed by them however they donot take active part in the religious events that takes place in the catholic churches. People of the countries like France, Italy and Ireland are following their principals of living and also follows the basic principals that are based on their religion but they donot take active part in the events that takes place in their catholic churches. Therefore the state of an individual being a catholic has been changed from being a practitioner to just a believer and religion now prevails in their private lives while it does not matter to them in their dealings with the society. The logic behind the belongingness does survice among the people who are catholic but their roles in taking an active part in the religious events in the church has significantly declined. (Inglis, T,1897).

The countries like Italy, Spain and France consider themselves as the Catholic, but the outcome from the consensus is that in the Europe the Catholic Churches regards themselves as they belive on God only. However the strength of their believe can not be known as rather they believe on the God or they follow the teachings of Jesus Christ's and their teachnings would lead them for undying escape.

Literature Review

Accourding to the studies it can be said that the Catholics of the European countries and their belief is not always attached to the goal of attaining the everlasting liberation in the concept of life after death.The concept of the life after death in the countries of Europe like Spain, France and is not found or found to be very low if it is compared with the Catholics of ...