Mainstreaming Learning Disable Students

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Mainstreaming Learning Disable Students


The paper has discussed the effects of learning disabled children studying in mainstream system as compare to inclusive system of education with respect to their academic performance. The learning disabled children lack educational competence therefore require additional support and assistance from teachers at school, which is hardly found in mainstream school system. Similarly, the role of teachers is also very much vital in improvising the academic status of these students provided they treat students individually and pay full attention to their weakness and plan and design an adequate strategy in this regard.

Key words: Learning disability, Mainstream, Inclusion, IDEA, IEP, Educators.

Mainstreaming Learning Disable Students


Main stream education refers to provision of extra and additional attention of tutors towards special children with special needs facing difficulty in learning and writing or performing other tasks at educational institutes like normal students do. The concept of mainstream applies to these students takes place in the same educational Institutes (MSN Encarta, 2009). It forms a combination of both special and normal educational classes within the same Institution. It is believed by my many scholars that students lacking certain skills in education to a specific extent as compare to normal students are not capable of studying in the same environment. The mainstreaming has to do with educating challenged children in general and usual class room setting. Similarly inclusion program is referred to sending these students to a usual classroom setting for studies for the whole day. Students may come from a specially challenged educational program to mainstream system. As per certain statistics that 80% of students possessing some kind of learning disability are able to respond and process educational instructions in a general classroom setting but by comparing both, it can be said that these students perform more efficiently in specialized educational system as compare to general one (Peter and John., 1994).

The teachers of both mainstreaming and educational institutes play a vital role in the successful implementation and application of these programs to attain all goals. There should be perfect bonding and coordination between both of the teachers increases the chances of attaining successes with respect to mainstreaming of learning disabled adults and children. This require to establish a platform where both parties cooperate, collaborate, plan and over see the educational arrangements and develop effective educational instructions along with alternative plan. The teachers of learning disabled students would prove to be more effective and efficient in guiding the mainstream teachers (Laurie, E. T., et al., 1978).



Learning disability is found o be the most common source of weakness in studies reported by students in public education system. As per its records, there are about 2.7 million i.e. 6% of students who are of school going age in USA suffering from some or other kind of disability. Furthermore, there are around 40% of children registered in special education programs are USA having this problem. These students have higher chances of getting registered in regular school. According to records, 25% of students could not passed the high ...
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