Macro System

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Macro System

Macro Systems

Concept of Personal, Interpersonal and Political Empowerment

Personal empowerment can be defined as the power within a person. It consequences in self-confidence, which means an individual is assuming his responsibilities; he has enough confidence to make decisions, and he realizes that he has enough power to change something (Lundegren, 2004).

Interpersonal empowerment means when organizations or a person work together to meet their targets. The combined power of the group will help all of the members to achieve their goals. Each member will help, understand and support the other member to increase their collective empowerment. Empowerment can be improved by working jointly with other peoples of the group but not for the peoples of the community. Another meaning of interpersonal empowerment is to share authority within the group or community.

Political empowerment is something different than personal and interpersonal empowerment. It means to know about what is happening on the world around an individual. The contribution of women in the political field is powerfully associated with the financial participation. Since women who are able of providing themselves cost-effectively are in a better position to contribute to strategy deliberations. Economic affluence provides for specialized growth and education is essential to be victorious in political ground. Many countries have attempted to put into position some allocations to allocate particular figure of positions to women in order to improve and empower women involvement in politics.

Individual Involvement in Different Social Systems

Macro Social Work

A macro social worker needs to do the effort to help individuals by working in the large systems. Like, in changing a health care law or to organize a state-wide activist organization. Practice in macro system in one of the essential features between social work and other helping occupations such as psychiatric therapy. Macro practice empowers citizens by involving them in universal change (Barkan, 2012).

Mezzo Social Work

Mezzo human service worker deals with undersized to intermediate sized groups, such as neighborhoods, school or other local associations. Examples of mezzo worker include community organizing, supervision of social work organization or focus on institutional or civilizing development rather than individual consumers. Workers affianced in mezzo practice are frequently also engaged in micro and macro community services. This guarantees the needs and challenges of customers are silent (Barkan, 2012). Micro Social Work

The most general type of human social work is micro communal work. In micro social work, worker is concerned in dealing with an individual or families to solve their problems. Health care, community services or helping persons to obtain suitable residences are examples of micro social employment. Family treatment or individual analysis would also descend under micro practice. Many social workers appoint in micro and mezzo practice at the same time. Even the most determined macro-level involvements have their extraction in the discussions between a particular social worker and a single customer (Barkan, 2012).

Macro System Response

Child Maltreatment and Sexual Abuse

Child maltreatment contains five chief categories: Corporeal, sexual, expressive abuse, ignore and contact to close partner ...
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