M2 Assignment 2

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M2 Assignment 2

M2 Assignment 2


The leader should have the entrepreneurial and innovative characteristics and the ability to make precise instant decisions, which enables the company to pioneer into innovative ventures. I believe that Steve Jobs was the catalyst proponent in Apple's innovative orientation. Hence, the implementation of change professed by numerous renowned business analysts is an improper suggestion, as it assumes that CEOs like Steve Jobs will be available to manage the process of change and innovation in these companies. .

Steve Jobs affected me the most as he certainly personifies the ideal of the leader, a visionary with a charisma that outshines all human and material resources on which he builds his success, for the extraordinary vision and leadership of Jobs saved Apple and guided to be the company's most innovative and valuable technology of our time (Isaacson, 2012).

Discussion and Analysis

There are various leadership traits and qualities of Steve Jobs which inspired me. The leadership qualities o Steve Jobs proved that a leader must know how to process information, interpret it and use it wisely in the most modern and creative environment. Steve proved that a leader is a person who helps people to take responsibility in achieving a common goal in a group synergy. In fact, an effective leader must know how to get people to excel in order to obtain maximum results with minimal supervision. In order to cause an employee to be responsible, the leader must explain in depth the business processes. Effective leader is an example not only in words, but also in his actions because his actions have an effect much stronger than what he says. People are reluctant to follow a leader who asks others to do things that he cannot do himself.

I personally perceive that the characteristics of effective leadership are many. Leadership qualities are formed throughout life. A leader is always informed which is true in the case of Steve Jobs. It has become clear that no company can survive without leaders who understand and know how to manage the information. Leaders inspire confidence in employees at all times. Effective leaders understand that the business exists by customers. They understand that change is imminent. They accept change and promote necessary employee delegation to strengthen the level of empowerment in an organization. The biggest trait of a Steve Jobs as an effective leader is that he had a clear vision which he communicated to his employees. For the Steve Jobs, the enthusiasm worked like a "multiplier effect" of the workforce of the organization. Throughout his life, Steve Jobs was able to summarize and explain his ideas clearly. He understands that writing is the most important filter to separate good and bad ideas (Kahney, 2009).

Steve's name is linked not only to leadership but also to innovation. As a result of the identification of the application of a mix of elements from styles transactional and transformational leadership, I can say that Steve Jobs applied both styles of leadership which could lead us to the conclusion ...