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Optical Fibre Long-Period Grating Sensors: Characteristics and Application

Optical Fibre Long-Period Grating Sensors: Characteristics and Application


There has been a considerable impact of fibre grating's development on the development and research in fibre optic sensing and telecommunications. These devices are intrinsic which helps in having control over the light propagation's properties inside the fibre. These fibre gratings are used like spectral filters (James & Tatam, 2002, Pp.49-59). These filters are used in wavelength division multiplexing systems and act as dispersion compensating components. The sensitivity of the properties of these gratings to the fibre's perturbation by the environmental conditions has been the major reason for extensive study for the usage of fibre sensor components (James & Tatam, 2002, Pp.49-59).


As the communication technology is evolving and continuously developing; thus, there is a great significance of these optical fibre sensors in enhancing the performance of communication. In order to analyze and determine the application of these sensors; it is necessary to identify the properties of these optical fibre grating sensors for efficiently using in their appropriate applications (James & Tatam, 2002, Pp.49-59). The sensitivity of LPG i.e. Long Period Grating sensors to strain coupling results in variation in the attenuation band's central wavelengths. This sensitivity depends on the fibre's composition and structure to a particular measurand. Moreover, the sensitivity also depends on the cladding mode's order in which the coupling of guided optical power takes place. Thus, each attenuation band embraces different guided optical power. All of these properties and characteristics make the LPGs suitable and efficient for sensor applications. As LPGs can provide multi-parameter sensing with the help of single element of sensor; thus, this technology is of great significance (James & Tatam, 2002, Pp.49-59).


As the technology is evolving; thus, researchers and scientists are struggling to make every possible effort for making the sensing applications more and more efficient. The hasty growth in sensing systems and optical fibre communication has encouraged the mission of scientists and researchers to develop such devices which help in overcoming the present limitations and curbs in photonics technology. Scientists and researchers are performing the task of precursors in order to accelerate the future development in ever evolving photonics technology. The technology of long period grating is rapidly gaining popularity like a flexible component for a variety of applications in optical engineering (James & Tatam, 2002, Pp.49-59).

These LPGs are created through the induction of spatial refractive index modulation within the ...
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