Low Carbon Consulting

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A Low Carbon Consulting Outline Business Case


Evaluation of Size of Market and Competitive Environment for Carbon Footprint3

Main Technical and Economic Data for Carbon Footprint6

Uniqueness of the Low Carbon Project7

Rationale for the Pricing Policy8

The Cost Benefit Analysis10

Sources of Funding11

Basic Financial and Economic Indicators of the Project12

Implementation of a Carbon Risk Management13

Action Plan for Carbon Footprint Management Strategy14

Conclusions and Recommendations16


A Low Carbon Consulting Outline Business Case


This assignment is based on business plan for Low Carbon Consulting Business Case. Carbon is one of the most adaptable elements known to human beings and it can be observed from the fact that it is the main basis of life on the planet Earth. Carbon combines with other elements like oxygen to form carbon dioxide and with hydrogen to form natural gas i.e. methane. Carbon also forms significant sources of fuel. The investment rationale of Low Carbon Consulting Business is to create in United Kingdom a new efficient production of carbon for commercial purposes and hydrogen gas on a new environmentally friendly and cheaper technology of deep natural gas followed by liquefaction of hydrogen.

The calculation of the carbon footprint is not new to the food industry, but it has experienced significant growth in recent years. The number of new products launched under the claims regarding the carbon footprint worldwide has almost tripled in the last two years, in 2010 were a total of 28 products launched under such claim, increasing to a total 102 products in 2012. As leading countries in launching new products with carbon footprint are United States, UK, France and South Africa. The main types of leading products in this field are wine, juices, liquid soup and water.

The economics is obvious because less carbon = less energy! With the prospect of rare and expensive carbon energy, it is essential to move to a low carbon economy. In addition, the indicator energy prices do not stop at the output of the organization but is passed to the final link; it is important for each organization to assess its carbon footprint and thus achieve economic projections worldwide to adopt a more coherent strategy shared by all stakeholders.

Evaluation of Size of Market and Competitive Environment for Carbon Footprint

At present, United Kingdom lacks a modern base for the production of low-cost hydrogen. The existing hydrogen production plants are based on the electrolysis of water, running from the sixties. The necessary equipments f a specified resource requires a significant capital investment in the reconstruction. In recent years, United Kingdom has faced a growing number of damages due to extreme hydro-meteorological events that have produced human losses and high economic and social costs.

Over the coming decades, UK will experience a general temperature increase above 6% compared to the historical average. According to the study by consultancy Ernst & Young and IESE, regulatory pressure and stakeholders to mitigate the environmental impacts of businesses, especially in regard to CO2 emissions leads executives to question in depth operations, their business strategies and reporting ...