A few decades ago, in the famous case Loving v. Virginia , the Supreme Court considered that the restriction should be banned interracial marriage that were in some states. It is absurd to think today that does so little time so an aberration these existed. I believe that in a few years we will look at this time in history, the U.S. and Brazil, with the same disbelief. How could anyone be in favor of banning this right won, not "the gays", but by society?
While the "right" seems very clear also in 2013, in another case of civil rights, it is important to establish a dialogue for those who have not been enlightened. Because I see that it is increasingly common, especially in the "debates" online label people so offensive to the first opinion dislike. And people who are examples of tolerance are incurring the same error (Alonso, 2000). Who is against gay marriage is soon labeled a "fanatic obscurantist" or worse, and ends the conversation there.
Some argue that we should be intolerant of the intolerant, and I may disagree with that and adopt a conciliatory posture because I have never been a victim of prejudice. And, yes, some people will not be convinced otherwise, no matter how strong his speech. But think everyone "well" is automatically in favor of egalitarian marriage is to close in the world of Facebook shares hipsters (Gold, 2008). And his grandmother, who was raised in a totally different environment? And the cabbie good people that you broke a galhão and took you to the airport even when you had no money, we should stop talking to him just because you have a wrong view of civil rights? (Substitute grandmother for some other relative, especially if your family is inside). What often happens is that or not talking to them about these issues or are ignoring the existence of these people (Villazor, 2012).
Theoretically, there is no legal barrier to this type of relationship. In 1967, in the case Loving x Virginia, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in all states (Alonso, 2000). But a case transformer does not automatically transforms personal opinions. Some jurisdictions do not heeded the court's determination. Through popular vote, South Carolina and Alabama were the last states to end this type of ban in 1998 and 2000, respectively. Although it was impossible to enforce any law of gender, 40% of voters in Alabama voted to keep the ban on interracial marriages in the state constitution. The opinions regarding interracial relationships are controversial, marked by extreme partisanship and rarely considered. For some people, interracial mixing is something difficult, confusing and offensive (Gold, 2008). For others, interracial relationships perfectly demonstrates the irrelevance of the concept of race.
This issue also affects inter-racial relationships that are neither scandalous nor secret in politics, even though interracial marriages have increased 30% in the last ten years. Very few public figures in the history of American married to a person of another ...