This movie revolves around a 16 year boy named Claus Adam, who after the construction of Berlin Wall, is separated by his love Abigail Christin (aged around 12 years), who's family stays in West Germany. The story is about his struggle and efforts he makes to have glimpse of her again. The starts prior to the construction of the wall when their love starts to blossom and continues till 1969 when the boys finally comes across the wall to see Abigail. As the movie name suggests, the couple at the heart of the this movie never get the chance of expressing their love for each other.
Real Name
Tom Cook
Claus Adam
Lead hero
Scarlett Jim
Abigail Christin
Lead heroin
Nova Wilson
Reed Smith
Father of Adam
Elizabeth Taylor
(Mrs. Claus)
Mother of Adam
Steven Spielberg
Robert Baker
The acting carried out by Tom Cook (Adam) and Scarlett Jim (Christin) has been outstanding. In the beginning of the story, when the two of them have their eyes of crossed while looking over rose flowers. The close up of the camera on eyes of Christin asks the eyes of Claus what he thinks of the red flowers. Claus a confused boy, unable to understand the sensations in his chest stands their frozen. The eye contact last a minute and with a light smile Christin leaves. The expression on Adams face represents as if he had his first love kiss. The redness on his cheeks, looks redder, the eyes are frozen as if they fear of losing the reflection of the smile, and he took some time to recover from the hit on his heart. The acting, of the Adam and Christin looks so real, innocent and exhibits self control.
Expression of Emotions
The actors did an exceptional job of expressing their emotions in a subtle ...