Love Is An Ocean Vs Love Is A River

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Love is an ocean vs. love is a river

Love is an ocean vs. love is a river

Love carries a whole ocean of meanings with itself, although it's just a small word. These can be summarized as care, affection, devotion, respect, emotions and dedication for each other. Sense of responsibility and passion makes this feeling powerful and intense. The intensity can be related to as depths of ocean and this hypothetical depth can be deeper than the realistic depth of the ocean. The love has been attributed to many things but its connotations with ocean and river are two very complex connotations. Ocean and river portray two different behaviors. Love is only an emotion but it carries the depth and intensity of ocean and direction and focused path of the river (Caputo, 2008, pp 35-100).

The ferocity and depth of ocean along with its movements are tumultuous. It can be deadly and devastating. Playing with the ocean is not a child's play. Love can be attributed to the characteristics of ocean. Love makes a person deeply affectionate and considerate, but yet it can be devastating if not channeled correctly. The lover needs a calming effect in the shape of a loved one where he/she can find the calmness. What makes love more like an ocean is the sense of freedom and free will. If it gets limited the love explodes into the ferocity similar to that of ocean. A lover can become outrageous by defiance of all the norms in order to get the chance to get to the love.

Moreover, ocean has an attraction which lures the humans to it. The love has the same attraction as well; it automatically lures the loved ones to itself. For that, we can take an example ...
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