Love & Dating

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Love & Dating


Women and men have been in a rather intense debate since the beginning of time. The idea behind which gender takes center stage and is one of the better genders needs to be understood at length and in detail, both the sexes are at it for some hormonal, lustful debates and deliberations altogether.

While both the genders have been working and addressing upon their individual benefits, both stand at multiple traits that would prove attractive. This paper pertains to describe on what factors do genders and people choose their mates and partners and that how do opt to choose their partners altogether.

The Mystery of Attraction

Attraction has been the most important and the most widely popular trait that is evident and visible in almost all the societies. Attractive people are by far amongst the most popular among all cultures, irrespective of their origin, which are given much higher reputation and position in a society altogether (Bargh, McKenna & Fitzsimons, pp.33).

While the debate goes on about which gender appears to be beautiful or handsome, ample research, analysis and information extraction has been intended that not only has made it important, but has become rather a necessity that needs to be addressed altogether and make way for people to work upon themselves and their appearances altogether. Considering the realm of attraction, the most important aspect that has been identified is symmetry.

Symmetry regards how the face of a human being, such that the features appear to be more attractive and reflect beauty. Those individuals - both men and women - who have a high degree of symmetry are considered more attractive in comparison to others. Symmetry really occurs on the basis of the kind of diet and eating patterns that individuals have adopted and are instilled with, over the passage of time (Little & Perrett, pp.28).

Moving on from the scientific understanding and concepts revolving around the realm of beauty, we now move upon the choices men and women adopt in order to become, or at least appear attractive there are several aspects and features upon the basis of which they would choose or be chosen by their partners (Sizer-Webb, DeBruyne & DeBruyne, pp.499).

However, not only symmetry, but genuinely, in the minds of human beings we have considered ourselves beautiful that not only changes the purpose of our existence, but also creates and persuades us to appear in ways that would ...
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