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Question 1a (See Appe.)

Question 1b(See Appe.)

Question 1 c(See Appe.)

Question 1d(See Appe.)

Question 2(See Appe.)

Question 3(See Appe.)

Question 3a(See Appe.)

Question 3b(See Appe.)

Question 4a(See Appe.)

Question 4b(See Appe.)

Question 4c(See Appe.)

Question 5a(See Appe.)

Question 5b(See Appe.)

Question 5c(See Appe.)

Question 6(See Appe.)

Question 7(See Appe.)



cout<<"Enter the staff number for salesman " << ... << " : ";

cin >> staffNumber;

//validate staff number

while (...)


//***prompt for staff number


cout<< "Enter the medical aid contribution for staff number " << ... << " : ";

cin >> medicalAid;

//for loop iterating over the grades

for (...;...;...)


switch (...)


case 1 : cout << "Enter total sales for Grade A:";

commission = gradeACommission;


//*** complete switch statement

}//end switch statement

cin >> gradeSales;

//determine gross salary

grossSalary = grossSalary + gradeSales*commission;

//determine total sales

totalSales = ...

}//end inner for-loop

//nested if statement to determine taxes

if (grossSalary >= 20000.00)

tax = tax = grossSalary*superIncomeTaxRate;

If we abandon the assumption (domestic production of intermediate goods protected from international competition) in favour of the hypothesis of inputs whose prices are determined by international competition, changes in rates changes then leads to other impacts on the cash flows of companies producing goods for the international and cash flows of other firms.

Intermediate goods production with prices determined by international competition covers both the imported inputs as the means of production produced in the country but whose price is determined on the world market.

Competitive Environment

Assuming that the markets for intermediate goods production are competitive, an appreciation of the domestic currency reduces the price, expressed in national currency, production of intermediate goods with prices determined by international competition. This leads to lower production costs and an increase in industrial profitability. Similarly, a depreciation of the domestic currency increases the price, expressed in national currency of these intermediate goods production, which increases both the cost and diminishes the profitability. (Tufano 2006 1097)

Finally, changes in exchange rates affect the value, expressed in local currency cash flows generated by business activities abroad and this in two ways:

Changes in exchange rates may alter the competitive environment of a business abroad. The impact on prices expressed in foreign currency and the amount sold, induced by this development, can alter the cash flows in foreign currency generated by business activities abroad. The nature of these changes usually depends on the flow of imports / exports generated by these activities;

Fluctuation of exchange rates changes the value of the company's profit stream made in foreign currencies when they are converted into national currency for evaluation or repatriation.

Given these two effects combined, it is more difficult to determine exposure to foreign exchange operations conducted abroad as domestic activities. In most cases, a depreciation of the domestic currency increases the value of companies with operations abroad and who sell much of their products. However, if the majority of products produced abroad are sold to other foreign markets or market of the parent (that of the national currency), the effect on corporate value may be negative.

It is easy to determine exposure to currency risk companies that are present in a single activity or in several areas of the same type of exposure to fluctuations in exchange ...
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